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Blog posts relevant to faculty and instructors

Are students automatically added to my Sakai portfolio site?

Published on: Author: Nancy O'Laughlin
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In a Sakai portfolio site, a Coordinator must add students manually using the Add Participants option of the Site Info tool. Coordinators can use a list of student UD IDs or alphabetic UDelNet IDs (email addresses including to add the students. There is no roster synchronization for portfolio or project sites. Roles in a… Continue reading

Be careful of default permissions!

Published on: Author: Nancy O'Laughlin
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When you create a new site in Google Apps, always check the permissions first. The default permissions in a new site allow People at the University to view and edit your site.  At some point, you will want to share your portfolio with others, but you probably won’t want them to have the ability to… Continue reading

What tool should I use to create my presentation portfolio?

Published on: Author: Nancy O'Laughlin
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Use a tool that you are comfortable with to create your presentation portfolio. If you have experience creating Web-based material with a particular tool (e.g. Dreamweaver, WordPress), then use that.  Remember you may want to continue to update your portfolio once you leave the University, many professional organizations require them. Choose something that you will… Continue reading

Defining e-portfolios is not so simple.

Published on: Author: Nancy O'Laughlin
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The term e-portfolios is one of those terms used by many but depending on the circumstances can mean very different things.  There are many valid uses of e-portfolios. Common purposes of the e-portfolio in education include: as an electronic storage device for students to save and backup their work samples for assessment where students’ progress… Continue reading