Second issue of iJeP released

Published on: Author: Nancy O'Laughlin
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The new issue of the International Journal of ePortfolio (IJeP), a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open access journal, has been published and is now available online at
The following articles comprise Volume 2, Number 1 of IJeP:
 Instructional Articles
  • Preparedness Portfolios and Portfolio Studios
  • Electronic Portfolios for Distance Learning: A Case from a Nursing Clinical Course
  • Understanding Students’ Experiences of e-PDP and the Factors that Shape their Attitudes
  • From the Reflective ePractitioner: A Pilot Model of Teacher Preparation Employing ePortfolio
 Assessment Articles
  • Using the e-Portfolio to Document and Evaluate Growth in Reflective Practice: The Development and Application of a Conceptual Framework
  • Analysis of a Rubric for Assessing Depth of Classroom Reflections     
Technology, Policy, and Management Articles
  • Implementing ePortfolios for the Assessment of General Education Competencies
  • Self-Representation and Student Identity: A Case Study of International Student Users of Sakai
Professional Development Article
  • On the Right Track: Using ePortfolios as Tenure Files

Book Review

  • The Quest for Expertise: A Review of Documenting Learning with ePortfolios: A Guide for College Instructors        

The new call for papers can be found at  – IJeP employs a rolling submission process; however, authors wishing to be considered for the next issue should submit their manuscripts to IJeP by June 1, 2012.

Categories: Faculty, General, News & Events

Nancy O'Laughlin

Nancy O'Laughlin is LMS Support Manager in the IT Academic Technology Services organization at the University of Delaware. She has an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Curriculum and Instruction specializing in Educational Technology. Nancy works with faculty to promote effective uses of technology in education. She has a strong interest in guiding faculty in their use of instructional design strategies in their courses. Some areas of interest include: hybrid or blended learning, distance learning, e-portfolios, clickers and learning analytics.