Be careful of default permissions!

Published on: Author: Nancy O'Laughlin
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When you create a new site in Google Apps, always check the permissions first. The default permissions in a new site allow People at the University to view and edit your site.  At some point, you will want to share your portfolio with others, but you probably won’t want them to have the ability to edit.

To change the default settings, in the upper right hand corner of your site, click More ActionsSharing and Permissions.  Select Change next to University of Delaware (see image below).

Sharing and Permission settings


access settings Under Edit Access, remove the check in the box allowing anyone at the University to Edit (see image on the right). Select the button next to Private.  This will make your site visible only to you. When you are ready to allow others to view your site, select the button next to the appropriate option.

Categories: Faculty, General, Google Sites, How to, Presentation Portfolio, Students

Nancy O'Laughlin

Nancy O'Laughlin is LMS Support Manager in the IT Academic Technology Services organization at the University of Delaware. She has an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Curriculum and Instruction specializing in Educational Technology. Nancy works with faculty to promote effective uses of technology in education. She has a strong interest in guiding faculty in their use of instructional design strategies in their courses. Some areas of interest include: hybrid or blended learning, distance learning, e-portfolios, clickers and learning analytics.