Adding a custom logo to your portfolio

Published on: Author: Nancy O'Laughlin
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If you are using Google sites for your presentation portfolio, you may want to customize the portfolio with a logo of your own design and style. The default logo is your site name (self-selected at site creation), and its styling is dependent on your theme choice. You can control whether or not it is displayed by checking or unchecking the box on the General settings page under your Site name:

Display site nameTo get to this setting, click the More Actions button in the upper right corner. Under Site Actions, select Manage Sites,  and under the Site settings, select General.

To add a custom logo in your site,  you must first create the logo. Your logo may be a picture, text or combination of both and is usually saved as a .jpg, .gif or .png. Google recommends that your logo be 145 px wide x 52 px tall, otherwise, it might not appear properly in your theme. For your reference, the image size of the logo used in the portfolio-guidance template shown below is 500 pixels wide by 80 pixels high:

template logo





Once you have created your logo, click the More Actions button in the upper right corner of your site. Under Site Actions select Manage Sites, and under Site appearance, click Site Layout. In the Header section, click the change logo link.

Header section in site layout




On the change logo page, select Custom Logo and browse for the logo file on your hard drive. Once you have the image selected, click OK. Make sure to click Save changes before returning to your site.

If you want to view the logo before saving your changes, click Preview next to Save changes at the bottom of the page. Notice that a new window or tab is opened depending on your settings. Don’t forget that you must still save or cancel your changes after viewing your logo. If you prefer to save and then go back to your site without using preview, click Save changes at the bottom and the Return to site link in the upper left corner of your page.

To exclude a logo image all together,  select the No logo option from the change logo page.

Categories: Google Sites, How to, Presentation Portfolio, Students

Nancy O'Laughlin

Nancy O'Laughlin is LMS Support Manager in the IT Academic Technology Services organization at the University of Delaware. She has an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Curriculum and Instruction specializing in Educational Technology. Nancy works with faculty to promote effective uses of technology in education. She has a strong interest in guiding faculty in their use of instructional design strategies in their courses. Some areas of interest include: hybrid or blended learning, distance learning, e-portfolios, clickers and learning analytics.