Are students automatically added to my Sakai portfolio site?

Published on: Author: Nancy O'Laughlin
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In a Sakai portfolio site, a Coordinator must add students manually using the Add Participants option of the Site Info tool. Coordinators can use a list of student UD IDs or alphabetic UDelNet IDs (email addresses including to add the students. There is no roster synchronization for portfolio or project sites. Roles in a portfolio site are slightly different from those in  a course site; students should be given CIG Participant access.

Anyone who is responsible for the administrative aspects of the site should have CIG Coordinator access. Instructors who are providing feedback and evaluation information on students’ work should be made Evaluators. There is also a Reviewer role for those who will provide guidance to the students as they contribute their work.

Read the complete instructions for adding someone to a Sakai site.

Categories: Faculty, Sakai OSP

Nancy O'Laughlin

Nancy O'Laughlin is LMS Support Manager in the IT Academic Technology Services organization at the University of Delaware. She has an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Curriculum and Instruction specializing in Educational Technology. Nancy works with faculty to promote effective uses of technology in education. She has a strong interest in guiding faculty in their use of instructional design strategies in their courses. Some areas of interest include: hybrid or blended learning, distance learning, e-portfolios, clickers and learning analytics.