Post-Doctoral Fellow
University of Delaware
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, 2009
West Virginia University
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, 2005
Universidad del Valle
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, 2002
Universidad del Valle.
Magnetic Resonance (MR) Elastography of the Intervertebral Disc
I am developing and validating MR Elastography as a method to non-invasively measure changes in disc mechanical properties during degeneration. Implementing this method will help to diagnose and monitor early stages of disc degeneration.
Constitutive Modeling of the Intervertebral Disc
My objective is to develop and validate material models to describe and explain the mechanical behavior of disc tissues. These tissues are usually modeled using non-linear biphasic or triphasic theories.
- Barbero E.J.,Cortes D.H., “A Mechanistic Model for Transverse Damage Initiation, Evolution, and Stiffness Reduction in Laminated Composites”, Composites, part B. Submitted.
- Cortes D.H., Datta S.K., Mukdadi O.M., “Characterization of Single-Element Ultrasound Transducers Using Leaky Lamb Wave Analysis”, IEEE Trans. Ultras. Ferroelec. and Freq. Control, Submitted.
- Cortes D.H., Datta S.K., Mukdadi O.M., “Elastic Guided Wave Propagation in a Periodic Array of Multi-Layered Piezoelectric Plates with Finite Cross-Sections”, Ultrasonics, Submitted.
- Cortes D.H., Barbero E.J., “Stiffness Reduction and Fracture Evolution of Oblique Matrix Cracks in Composite Laminates”, Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics, Accepted.
- Mahmoud A., Cortes D.H., Abaza A., Ammar H., Hazey M., Ngan P., Crout R., Mukdadi O.M., “Non-Invasive Assessment of Human Jawbone Using Ultrasonic Guided Waves”, IEEE Trans. Ultras. Ferroelec. and Freq. Control, Vol. 55(6), pp 1316-1327, 2008.
- Cortes D.H., Datta S.K., Mukdadi O.M., “Dispersion Behavior of Elastic Guided Wave Propagation in Infinite Multilayered Piezoelectric Plates with Inversion Layer”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol 45, pp 5088-5102, 2008.
- Garcia J.J., Cortes D.H., “A Biphasic Viscohyperelastic Fibril Reinforced Model for Articular Cartilage: Formulation and Comparison with Experimental Data”, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol 40, pp 1737-1744, 2007.
- Garcia J.J., Cortes D.H., “A Non-linear Viscohyperelastic Model for Articular Cartilage”, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol 39, pp 2991-2998, 2006.
- Cortes D.H., Garcia J.J., “Analytic Solution for the Indentation of a Transversely Isotropic Elastic Layer Bonded to a Rigid Foundation”, Latin American Applied Research Journal, Vol. 35(1), pp 167-173, 2005.
Conference Proceedings
- Cortes D.H., Barbero E.J, “Fracture Initiation and Evolution of Oblique Matrix Cracks in Composite Laminates”, SAMPE Conference, Baltimore, MD, 2009.
- Cortes D.H., Datta S.K., Mukdadi O.M., “Effect of subdicing on the dispersion and resonance behavior of elastic guided waves in 1D array ultrasound transducers”, SPIE Symposium on Medical Imaging, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 2009.
- Cortes D.H., Korakakis D., Kabulski A., Mukdadi O.M., “Dispersion Analysis of High-Frequency Nanoscale Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors for Detecting Biological and Chemical Species in Harsh Environment”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, MA, 2008.
- Mahmoud A., Cortes D.H., Mustafa S.J., Mukdadi O.M., “High Frequency Precise Ultrasound Imaging System to Access Mouse Hearts and Blood Vessels”, Summer Conference of Bioengineering, Marco Island, FL, 2008.
- Mahmoud A., Cortes D.H., Abaza A., Ammar H., Hazey M., Ngan P., Crout R., Mukdadi O.M., “Assessment of Jawbone Using Ultrasonic Guided Waves: In Vitro Study”, IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, New York, NY, 2007.
- Cortes D.H., Mukdadi O.M., “An Analysis Laminated Piezoelectric Infinite Plate for Broadband Biomedical Ultrasound Transducer Design”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, WA, 2007.
- Garcia J.J., Cortes D.H., “A Biphasic Viscohyperelastic Fibril-Reinforced Model for Articular Cartilage”, Summer Conference of Bioengineering, Amelia Island, FL, 2006.
- Cortes D.H., Garcia J.J., “Confined and Unconfined Compression Response of a Poroelastic Octanwise Model for Articular Cartilage”, Summer Conference of Bioengineering, Vail, CO, 2005.