John Peloquin, Ph.D.

Associate Scientist
University of Delaware

Ph.D. Bioengineering, 2016,
University of Pennsylvania
M.Eng. Biomedical Engineering 2010,
Cornell University
Materials Science and Engineering 2009,
Cornell University

Mechanisms of General 3D Joint Loading

The knee meniscus supports multiaxial 3D joint loads. Fluid pressurization is thought to substantially contribute to its ability to support these loads without damage.  However, some combinations of load may compromise this fluid load support.  I study how the meniscus’ load support mechanisms change between loading conditions.

Damage Initiation and Propagation

Tensile failure of meniscus.Fibrous tissues such as knee meniscus and intervertebral disc annulus fibrous have a tendency to develop tears and other damage, compromising function and causing pain. I work to identify how and why tears and damage occur so that their progression can be slowed or prevented entirely.

Intervertebral Disc Strain

I apply digital image correlation techniques to MRI images to measure 3D strain fields in living humans.  This technique provides new information about how disc function is disrupted by aging and degeneration.

Recent Publications

  1. Kyle D. Meadows, John M. Peloquin, Milad I. Markhali, Miltiadis H. Zgonis, Thomas P. Schaer, Robert L. Mauck, Dawn M. Elliott. “Acute Repair of Meniscus Root Tear Partially Restores Joint Displacements as Measured With Magnetic Resonance Images and Loading in a Cadaveric Porcine Knee.” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 145, 081002. doi: 10.1115/1.4062524
  2. Ellen T. Bloom, Lily M. Lin, Ryan C. Locke, Alyssa Giordani, Erin Krassan, John M. Peloquin, Karin G. Silbernagel, Justin Parreno, Michael H. Santare, Megan L. Killian, Dawn M. Elliott. “Overload in a Rat In Vivo Model of Synergist Ablation Induces Tendon Multiscale Structural and Functional Degeneration.” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 145, 081003. doi: 10.1115/1.4062523
  3. Kyle D. Meadows, John M. Peloquin, Harrah R. Newman, Peter Cauchy, Edward J. Vresilovic, Dawn M. Elliott. “MRI-based Measurement of Disc Mechanics in a Young Population due to Flexion, Extension, and Diurnal Loading.” JOR Spine, e1243. doi: 10.1002/jsp2.1243.
  4. Harrah R. Newman, John F. DeLucca, John M. Peloquin, Edward J. Vresilovic, Dawn M. Elliott. “Multiaxial Validation of a Finite Element Model of the Intervertebral Disc with Multigenerational Fibers to Establish Residual Strain.” JOR Spine, e1145. doi: 10.1002/jsp2.1145
  5. Kyle D. Meadows, Curtis L. Johnson, John M. Peloquin, Richard G. Spencer, Edward J. Vresilovic, Dawn M. Elliott. “Impact of pulse sequence, analysis method, and signal to noise ratio on the accuracy of intervertebral disc T2 measurement.” JOR Spine, 3, e1102. doi: 10.1002/jsp2.1102
  6. Sonia Bansal, John M. Peloquin, Niobra M. Keah, Olivia C. O’Reilly, Dawn M. Elliott, Robert L. Mauck, Miltiadis H. Zgonis. “Structure, function, and defect tolerance with maturation of the radial tie fiber network in the knee meniscus.” JOR 38, 2709–2720. doi: 10.1002/jor.24697
  7. Babak N. Safa, John M. Peloquin, Jessica R. Natriello, Jeffrey L. Caplan, and Dawn M. Elliott. “Helical fibrillar microstructure of tendon using serial block-face scanning electron microscopy and a mechanical model for interfibrillar load transfer.” J R Soc Interface 16, 20190547.