Substitution Policy

Due to the restrictions on spending, any CT or ADS teacher who provides substitution for a peer for the unforeseen future, must do this out of professional courtesy. We are asking all instructors to take 10 minutes before leaving each day to prepare a basic lesson plan left in a folder on your desk for easy access by a sub.

All fiscal 12-month faculty and ADS’s must submit a Time Off Request form in UD WorkForce reporting the sick day (or vacation day for personal time). Supervisors of ADS (Cheryl Ernst or Robbie Bushong) also need to be informed of the absence. Finally, you must inform HR of your absence by submitting the Substitution Notification Form. If you have any problems with the Substitution or Time Off forms submission, please reach out to the ELI HR Office (Dru Arban).

  • CT Faculty, ADS’s, Adjunct Instructors: If you are sick or have an emergency and are unable to come in to teach, you are responsible for finding a sub and giving them your lesson plans. Therefore, if you think you won’t be well enough to teach the next day, try to find a sub the evening before you’ll be out. If you are suddenly unwell or otherwise incapacitated, contact Robbie Bushong (407-462-2226) or Cheryl Ernst (618-559-3882) as soon as possible, no later than 6:45 AM. Once you have contacted one of them, your other responsibility, if possible, is to send lesson plans to Robbie at and Cheryl at They will see that subs are arranged.

  • For non-emergency subbing needs, keep in mind that all substitutions by Faculty and ADS’s must be done out of professional courtesy. We are asking all instructors to take 10 minutes before leaving each day to prepare a basic lesson plan left in a folder on your desk for easy access by a sub.

  • If a CT Faculty needs to be absent for a personal reason, you will need to first get permission from your supervisor – Cheryl Ernst. If approved, you will be responsible for paying the substitute, if they are an Adjunct Instructor. For the current sub rate, please email the Finance Office at with the name of the sub for the current sub rate.

  • If an ADS Faculty needs to be absent for a personal reason, you must first get permission from your supervisor – Cheryl Ernst or Robbie Bushong. Then, you must submit a Time Off Request in UD WorkForce, reporting the sick day (or vacation day for personal days off).

  • If an Adjunct Instructor needs to be absent for a personal reason, you must first get permission from your supervisor– Cheryl Ernst or Robbie Bushong. If approved, you will be responsible for paying the substitute if they are an Adjunct Instructor.

For the current sub rate, please email the Finance Office at with the name of the sub for the current sub rate.

Finally, you must inform ELI’s HR of your absence by submitting the Substitution Notification Form.

Compensation for Substitution:

Adjunct Instructors – All Adjunct Instructors get paid for all days of substitution provided.

CT Faculty and Academic Development Specialists – due to our restrictions on spending, CT Faculty and ADS’s provide substitution out of professional courtesy and are not compensated.