Women’s Group



Ten members of the ELI Women's Group seated on green lawn. Several wear hijabs.

The ELI Women’s Group supports women of diverse cultural backgrounds transition to American culture. We share conversations about cultural identity and challenges faced in daily life. The group provides a safe space to build cross cultural friendships.

All female students–from ELI and UD–are welcome.

What do we do at the WG?

  • Have lunch together on Main Street.
  • Have guest speakers, who are international women, talk about their transition to America.
  • Celebrate the end of the session by having a big party.
  • Go to ELI events together.
  • Learn about different cultural holidays and traditions.
  • Participate in workshops about different topics such as Small Talk in American Culture or the Myers Briggs Personality Assessment.

Want to join in our meetings and events? Contact the group coordinator, Ruwida Alkrekshi at dounya@udel.edu.

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