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My Sport


March 11, 2014 by Edwin

When i mention “crew” to them they immediately think of stage crew, where i would work behind the scenes of a specific play or they think something else completely random. However either of these responses are wrong. The team in Delaware was established in 1991. I has been a successful program threw out the years and know has become a part of my life.The Crew team is in other words the rowing team, and this is what my blog topic will be of. I find this a awesome sport that is not very well know. I find this to be a problem and a potential  reason why crew is not funded here at the University. Along with that I would like to understand the history behind the sport its self, from its beginning to what the sport has become now. Who was the first teams? Where did it originated? So many questions that I think of when thinking about the sport.  A good resource I can use would be my coach since he has been rowing since he was in high school and he was also the founder of the team her at Delaware. Another good resource I have is my teammates who are very involved and very knowledgeable of there recent news in the world of crew. Finally finding historical evidence from books and our best friend google.All while informing everyone at the same time.

~Cheer Edwin Zavala

Ps.Stay tuned for more


  1. Robert says:

    Dear Edwin,
    I am really interested in your blog topic of Delaware’s men crew team! I liked how you threw some facts about the men’s crew team here at the University of Delaware, such as how the team was established in 1991. I also think it is awesome how you can use not only your teammates, but also your coach for sources in your blog! Maybe we can get some behind the scenes information of our crew team here at Delaware! I also think that you brought up a very good argument about how the men’s crew team here at the University of Delaware is not funded by the school. This could bring up some major arguments because the school funds the girl’s team and the school does not fund the men’s team. Another good point you brought up is how you do not know about the sport and would like to learn a lot about this sport. This is not a sport that many people know about so I believe it would be interesting for people to read your blog and learn more about it!
    Some things that I thought that you could change in your blog were the formatting of the blog. There were sometime points where you can create different paragraphs to bring your ideas together and make your blog more organized. I also thought that you could have elaborated about what you could write about crew a little bit more. With a little revision and fixing some spelling errors, you could have a flawless blog!

  2. Christina says:

    Hi Edwin,

    This was an intriguing first post! I never thought of crews that way. When you first brought it up, I thought you were talking about “cruise” or gangs or something. I’m glad this is about one of the underrepresented school sports!

    I have a question for you that might make you think a little more on your topic: What makes crew significantly different from any other team sport (besides the fact that you’re on the water)? How do you develop, as a team and as an individual, differently than if you were playing another sport, like soccer and football. And why should anyone wake up so dang early in the morning just to row their hearts out with their team?

    An a technical level, I wasn’t sure where you responded to one of my questions with research because you didn’t provide a link to the site. So, if you could just add that to this blog post, it would fulfill the reqs of the prompt.

    ~Christina K.

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