Research Techniques

Equipment & Research Techniques

Equipment Available for Research Use in the LabCardiovascular Equipment

  • Ultrasound (GE-S8, GE Logic e, Terason uSmart 3300 NexGen)
  • Laser Doppler Perfusion Monitor (moorLAB instruments)
  • Baby Bee infusion pumps
  • Sphygmocor CPV and XCEL Systems (AtCor Medical)
  • Finapres Finometer and NOVA (beat-to-beat blood pressure monitoring)
  • ECG and Automated BP (GE Dash 2000)
  • Ambulatory BP monitors (SunTech Oscar 2 w/Sphygmocor)
  • E20 Rapid Cuff Inflator w/ AG101 Cuff Inflator Air Source (Hokanson)

Body Composition & Energy Expenditure Equipment

  • ImpediMed Imp SFB7 Multi Frequency Body Composition Analysis
  • Parvomedics TrueOne 2400 metabolic cart
  • CASE 8000 Stress Test System
  • T2000 Treadmill (GE)
  • Lode cycle ergometer
  • ActiGraph GT3x physical activity monitors
  • Vantage Vue Climate Monitor (Davis)
  • DXA/BodPod

Wet Lab Equipment

  • Advanced 3D3 Osmometer (ADInstruments)
  • EasyElectrolyte Analyzer (Medica)
  • Allegra X-22R Centrifuge (Beckman Coulter)
  • Sorvall Legend Micro 17 Centrifuge (Thermo Scientific)
  • Hemoglobin analyzer (HemoCue 201+)
  • -80 freezers, standard refrigerators/freezers, and Scotsman icemaker
  • AN74i Anprolene gas sterilizer
  • Symmetry scale (Cole-Parmer)

Computer Hardware & Software

  • LabChart 8.0 Pro
  • ADInstruments PowerLab (16/35)
  • LabView 2018
  • Accuwin Pro 4 Ambulatory BP Monitor Report System
  • Nutrient Data Systems for Research software for dietary intake analysis
  • SPSS 24.0 statistical software
  • GraphPad Prism 7
  • ActiLife (for Actigraph accelerometers)

Flow Mediated Dilation

We asses macrovascular endothelial function by evaluating brachial artery endothelial-dependent dilation in response to reactive hyperemia after an acute bout of ischemia.  Pictured to the right is FMD being performed on the brachial artery using the GE-S8 ultrasound.


Arterial Stiffness and Pulsatile LoadPulse wave analysis via applanation tonometry in either the carotid or radial artery synthesizes a corresponding central pressure waveform that allows us to evaluate the interaction between the left ventricle and downstream arterial vasculature.  Pulse wave velocity is the gold standard measure of arterial stiffness that measures how fast the arterial pulse travels between two sites, most commonly between the carotid and femoral arteries. Both of these techniques provide insight on changes in pulsatile load in healthy aging and chronic diseases.  To the left is an image of applanation tonometry to acquire a radial artery pressure waveform.

Pulse wave analysis displaying a radial artery pressure waveform (left) and corresponding central pressure waveform (right).

Cutaneous MicrovascularFunctionLaser Doppler flowmetry is used to assess skin blood flow in response to local heating. Several fibers with semi-permeable membranes can be inserted into the skin of the forearm and perfused with a variety of pharmacological agents to examine mechanisms.  To the right is an image of microdialysis fibers inserted into the skin with local heaters placed above.