
General Prohibition (paper available here; draft, revise-and-resubmitted to Glossa, updated 10/27/2020): I have worked on the syntax and pragmatics of constructions like “No swimming!” and “No dogs allowed!” I argue that these constructions combine the semantics of an imperative operator and the morphosyntax of a declarative.

Formality Marking (paper available here; draft, submitted to Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, update 6/2/2020): Along with Bilge Palaz, I have analyzed the syntax of formality particles and found that an operator-variable binding account cannot explain the facts, and that formal particles should be treated like the expressive content described by Potts (2005).

Uzbek “-mi” inversion (paper available here; draft comments welcome):  I have worked on the morphosyntax of the Uzbek question particle (“-mi”). I find that it shifts surface position with agreement based on the qualities of the predicate.

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