Salt Remediation

Saline soil conditions in the front of this plot prevented sorghum germination. Dry conditions also intensify soil salinity and lower germination.

These soybeans have deal with SWI as well as soils that are low lying and frequently saturated. And yes, the beans are not in the furrow.

Issues with saline soils are well known in other parts of the world. The western United States has issues with soil salinity and plant growth due to excess salts from irrigation or as well as lower rainfall than the east coast. Many Extension resources exist from Land-Grant Universities out west. Keep in mind that if your soil has a water table close to the surface, standard remediation through gypsum or leaching may be limited.

UD Extension Factsheets:

Managing Saline Soils in North Dakota:

Managing Salt Affected Soils for Crop Production – Pacific Northwest Extension (Idaho, Washington, Oregon):

Salinity and Plant Tolerance (Utah State):

Managing Soil Salinity (Texas A&M):


Maryland’s Plan to Adapt to Saltwater Intrusion:


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