LiDAR Data Sources

  1. Open Topography:
  2. USGS Earth Explorer:
  3. USGS National Map Viewer:
  1. NOAA Digital Coast:

The other place you might look for US public domain data is the US Interagency Elevation Inventory ( That provides a map interface and links to data sets available from a number of different distributors, including USGS, NOAA, OT, and many others.

  1. LA stool:
  2. ICEBRIDGE LiDAR for ftp download
  2. Other states: National Lidar Dataset (United States)


  1. Other Countries
  • Spain: Open LiDAR” data

Here you have a very good new for Spanish LiDAR users. The Government of Spain has integrated a “open LiDAR” data:

To download, go to Products Download Center where you have to register as a user and select the product ” LiDAR ( .laz 2x2km ):

Point clouds have been captured by flight LiDAR sensor with a density of 0.5 points / m2, and then automatically classified and colored by RGB orthophotos obtained from the National Plan of Orthophotography Air ( PNOA ) with size pixel 25 or 50cm .

At present , available for three-quarters of the country , pending the communities of Andalucia , Baleares and part of Castilla y León , which will probably be available in the next year and a half .