The Delaware Center for Transportation has published reports on research that has been done for various transportation related issues. In addition to that, you may also find the annual DCT newsletter, TRANSEARCH, which highlights activities and upcoming events. The publications are available to download. If you need further assistance please contact Sandi Wolfe,
Evaluating Biochar Amendment of DNREC Biosoil-14 Bioretention Medium
September 2019
Authors: Paul Imhoff
College of Engineering
Report #279
Integrating Zero-valent Iron and Biochar Amendments in Green Stormwater Management Systems for Enhanced Teratment of Roadway Runoff
May 2016
Authors: Paul Imhoff, Daniel Cha, Julia Maresca, and Mingxin Guo – Delaware State University
College of Engineering
Report #256
Guardrail Vegetation Management in Delaware
February 2013
Authors: Susan Barton, Valann Budischak
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Report #247
NDPES and Education on Stormwater Pollution
May 2012
Authors: Martha Corrozi Narvaez, Andrew Homsey with Erin McVey
Institute for Public Administration
Report #243
Long-Term Performance Monitoring of a Recycled Tire Embankment in Wilmington, Delaware
December 2012
Authors: Victor Kaliakin, Christopher Meehan, Busby Attoh-Okine, Paul Imhoff
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Report #232
Impacts of Bird Droppings and Deicing Salts on Highway Structures: Monitoring, Diagnosis, Prevention
April 2011
Authors: Chin Pao Huang, Gregory Lavenburg
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Report # 221
Potential of Retention Ponds to Produce Nuisance Mosquitoes and West Nile Virus Vectors
April 2005
Author: Jack B. Gingrich
Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology
Report # 212
Development and Testing of a Weed Wiper for Roadside Vegetative Control
October 2002
Author: William F. Ritter
Department of Bioresources Engineering
Report # 142