by sandiw | Oct 29, 2024 | LTAP
This year’s Roadway Management Conference (RMC) was held again in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware and the 250 or so attendees praised the three-day event that benefited from surprising, exceptional weather, great technical speakers, outdoor demonstrations, and lots of...
by sandiw | Sep 29, 2024 | LTAP
Littering is illegal in Delaware. That said, you can install all the No Littering signs you want, but there is still going to be roadside litter. Some comes from scofflaws that simply don’t care. Some is less nefarious; the napkin that catches the wind...
by sandiw | Sep 29, 2024 | LTAP
A culture of safety in your organization begins from the top down. Are you the public works director, a streets superintendent, a city manager, a councilperson, or the mayor? You are the leaders that set the tone for a safe work environment. And you can be just the...
by sandiw | Sep 4, 2024 | LTAP
On municipal streets, speeds are generally lower and so too the severity of most crashes. On the other hand, these streets tend to be multi-modal, with lots of pedestrians and bicyclists. Even if crashes are rare, road users and adjacent residents can feel anxious...
by sandiw | Jun 26, 2024 | LTAP
As dedicated readers of our e-newsletter, you deserve a little inside baseball look at what to expect at this year’s Roadway Management Conference. The outside world will have to wait for some of these details while we develop promotion materials, but this is some of...