CSR Chapter Questions and Answers

Chapter Questions and Answers

1. Introduction to colloid science and rheology
Ch 1 Questions-01162013

2. Hydrodynamic effects: Non-colloidal particles
Ch 2 Questions_01272013-1

3. Brownian hard spheres
Ch 3 Questions_02042013

4. Stable Systems
Ch 4 Questions-01042014

5. Non-spherical particles
Ch 5 Questions-01042014

6. Colloidal attractions and flocculated dispersions
Ch 6 Questions-01042014

7. Thixotropy
Ch 7 Questions-01072014

8. Shear thickening
Ch 8 Questions-01072014

9. Rheometry of suspensions
Ch 9 Questions-01042013

10. Suspensions in viscoelastic media
Ch 10 Questions-01042014

11. Advanced topics
Ch 11 Questions-01042014