S. Gonzalez-Nolde, C.J. Schweiger, E.E.R. Davis, T.J. Manzoni, S.M.I. Hussein, T.A. Schmidt, S.G. Cone, G.D. Jay, J. Parreno. The Actin Cytoskeleton as a Regulator of Proteoglycan 4. Cartilage. 2024.
D.G. Schmitz, D.G. Thelen, S.G. Cone. A Single-Sensor Approach for Noninvasively Tracking Phase Velocity in Tendons During Dynamic Movement. Micromachines. 2023.
D. Little, P.C. Amadio, H. Awad, S.G. Cone, N.A. Dyment, M.B. Fisher, A. Huang, D.W. Koch, A.F. Kuntz, R. Madi, K. McGilvrey, L.V. Schnabel, S.S. Shetye, S. Thomopoulos, C. Zhao, L.J. Soslowsky. Preclinical Animal Tendon Models: Can We Move Past the 3Rs to the 5W1H (Why, Who, What, Where, When, and How? It Depends. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2023.
S.G. Cone, H. Kim, J.R. Franz, D.G. Thelen. 3D Characterization of the Triple-Bundle Achilles Tendon from In Vivo High-Field MRI. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2023.
J.L. Blank, M.B. Blomquist, L. Arant, S.G. Cone, J.D. Roth. Characterizing Musculoskeletal Soft Tissue Mechanics Based on Shear Wave Propagation – A Systematic Review of Current Technologies. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2022.
DG. Schmitz, D.G. Thelen, S.G. Cone. A Kalman Filter Approach for Estimating Tendon Wave Speed from Skin-Mounted Accelerometers. Sensors. 2022: 22(6). 2283.
E.E. Binversie, B.E. Walczak, S.G. Cone, L.A. Baker, T.A. Scerpella, P. Muir. Canine ACL Rupture: A Spontaneous Large Animal Model of Human ACL Rupture. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2022.
D. Howe, S.G. Cone, J.A. Piedrahita, J.T. Spang, M.B. Fisher. Age- and Sex-Specific Joint Biomechanics in Response to Partial and Complete ACL Injury in the Porcine Model. Journal of Athletic Training. 2022.
D. Howe, S.G. Cone, J.A. Piedrahita, B. Collins, L.A. Fordham, E.H. Griffith, J.T. Spang, M.B. Fisher. Sex-Specific Morphology and Function of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament During Skeletal Growth in a Porcine Model. Journal of Orthopedic Research. 2021.
S.G. Cone, R. Barnes, D. Howe, J.T. Spang, M.B. Fisher. Age- and Sex-Specific Differences in ACL and ACL Bundle Size During Adolescent Growth. Journal of Orthopedic Research. 2022: 40(7). 1613-1620.
S.G. Cone, E.P. Lambeth, J.A. Piedrahita, J.T. Spang, M.B. Fisher. Joint Laxity Increases in Response to Partial and Complete Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries Throughout Skeletal Growth. Journal of Biomechanics. 2020: 101 (5).
S.G. Cone, H.E. Piercy, E.P. Lambeth, H. Ru, J.A. Piedrahita, J.T. Spang, L.A. Fordham, M.B. Fisher. Tissue-Specific Changes in Size and Shape of the Ligaments and Tendons of the Porcine Knee During Post-Natal Growth. PLOS One. 2019: 14(10). e0219637.
S.G. Cone, J.A. Piedrahita, J.T. Spang, M.B. Fisher. In Situ Joint Stiffness Increases During Skeletal Growth but Decreases Following Partial and Complete Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 2019: 141(12). 1210001 (7 pages).
S.G. Cone, E.P. Lambeth, H. Ru, J.A. Piedrahita, L.A. Fordham, J.T. Spang, M.B. Fisher. Functional Changes in the Anteromedial and Posterolateral Bundles of the Porcine Anterior Cruciate Ligament with Growth. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2019: 477(9). Pages 2161-2174.
S.G. Cone, D. Howe, M.B. Fisher. Human Anterior Cruciate Ligament Structure and Morphology: A Systematic Review of Current Knowledge and Clinical Implications. Journal of Bone and Joint SurgeryReviews. 2019: 7(6). Pages e8.
S.G. Cone, P.B. Warren, M.B. Fisher. Rise of the Pigs: Utilization of the Porcine Model to Study Musculoskeletal Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering During Skeletal Growth. Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods. 2017: 23(11). Pages 763-780.
S.G. Cone, S.G. Simpson, J.A. Piedrahita, L.A. Fordham, J.T. Spang, M.B. Fisher. Orientation Changes in the Cruciate Ligaments of the Knee During Skeletal Growth: A Porcine Model. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2017: 35(12). Pages 2725-2732.
A.C. Khang, P. Ravishankar, A. Krishnaswamy, P.K. Anderson, S.G. Cone, Z. Liu, X. Qian, K. Balachandran. Engineering Anisotropic Biphasic Janus-Type Polymer Nanofiber Networks via Centrifugal Jet Spinning. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 2017: 105(8). Pages 2455-2464.
J.B. Bechstein, E. Ng, J.-R. Lee, S.G. Cone, R.S. Gaster, S.J. Osterfield, D.A. Hall, J.A. Weaver, R.J. Wilson, S.X. Wang. Microfluidic Multiplexed Partitioning Enables Flexible and Effective Utilization of Magnetics Sensor Arrays. Lab on a Chip. 2015: 15. Pages 4273-4276.