Dr. Stephanie G. Cone, Principal Investigator
Dr. Stephanie Cone
Background: BS in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Arkansas 2014, Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina 2019, Postdoc in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, 2022
Research Interests: I’m interested in understanding how tendons and ligaments develop intricate structure-function relationships during healthy growth, and applying that knowledge to improve clinical interventions for young patient populations.
Email: sgcone@udel.edu
Twitter: @stephaniegcone
Department Affiliations: Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Biomechanics in Movement Science (BIOMS)
Olivia Dyer
Background: BS in Biochemistry/Cell Biology at Bucknell University (2022)
Research Interests: I aim to use novel approaches to better understand preclinical models of orthopaedic diseases with hopes to enhance clinical outcomes for painful musculoskeletal conditions, such as osteoarthritis. Specifically, I use small animal rodent models because they are a key tool used to understand the biology of osteoarthritis and its treatments.
Previous Research Experience: I visually characterized collagen waviness and alignment in stretched and unstretched aponeruosis tissue utilizing scanning electron microscopy, materials testing, and image analysis. Additionally, I utilized motion capture and surface electromyography to understand how miserable malalignment impacts hip and knee joint loads.
Email: oldyer@udel.edu
Department Affiliation: Biomedical Engineering
Jack Felipe
Background: BS in Biomedical Engineering at The College of New Jersey (2023)
Research Interests: I am interested in understanding the body’s response to loading in healthy and injured individuals.
Previous Research Experience: Previously conducted research to investigate the effect of ionizing radiation on bone microstructural strength using finite element analysis
Email: felipej@udel.edu
Department Affiliation: Biomedical Engineering
Zachary Born
Department: Biomedial Engineering
Expected Graduation Year: 2024
Adam Burk
Department: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation Year: 2024
Meghna Raj
Department: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation Year: 2027
Ethan Stoecker
Department: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation Year: 2026
Bryce Lesko
Department: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation Year: 2024
Gabriella Dunay
Department: Biomedical Engineering
Expected Graduation Year: 2024