Papers in Refereed Journals
1. A contribution to the analytic theory of partial differential equations,J. Diff. Eqns.5 (l969), 117-135.
2. Jacobi polynomials of negative index and a nonexistence theorem for the generalized axially symmetric potential equation,SIAM J. Appl. Math.l6 (l968), 771-776.
3. Singularities of solutions to elliptic partial differential equations with analytic coefficients,Quart. J. Math.19 (l968), 391-396 (with R. P. Gilbert).
4 Jacobi series which converge to zero, with applications to a class of singular partial differential equations,Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.65 (l969), 101-106 (with Jet Wimp).
5. A priori estimates for solutions of the Helmholtz equation in exterior domains and their application,J. Math. Anal. Appl.27 (l969), 253-26l.
6. Uniqueness theorems for axially symmetric partial differential equations,J. Math. Mech.18 (1969), 921-930.
7. Analytic theory and uniqueness problems for the generalized axially symmetric Schrodinger equation,J. Diff. Eqns.6 (l969), 264-270.
8. Cauchy’s problem for almost linear elliptic equations in two independent variables,J. Approx. Theory,3 (l970), 66-71.
9. John’s decomposition theorem for generalized metaharmonic functions,J. London Math. Soc.1 (l969), 737-742.
10. Nonlinear analytic partial differential equations with generalized Goursat data,Duke Math. J.37 (l970), 367-376. Corrigendum, 39 (l972), 823 (with R. P. Gilbert).
11. Applications of a class of singular partial differential equations to Gegenbauer series which converge to zero,SIAM J. Math. Anal.1 (l970), 90-95.
12. A contribution to Vekua-Rellich theory of metaharmonic functions,Amer. J. Math.,92 (l970), 525-540 (with R. P. Gilbert).
13. Decomposition theorems for the generalized metaharmonic equation in several independent variables,J. Australian Math. Soc.13 (l972), 35-46.
14. Cauchy’s problem for a singular parabolic partial differential equation,J. Diff. Eqns.8 (l970), 250-257.
15. On the inverse scattering problem for axially symmetric solutions of the Helmholtz equation,Quart. J. Math.22 (1971), 125-130.
16. Cauchy’s problem for almost linear elliptic equations in two independent variables, II,J. Approx. Theory4 (1971), 288-294.
17. An integral operator approach to Cauchy’s problem for,SIAM J. Math. Anal. 2 (1971), 113-132, (with R. P. Gilbert).
18. Rapidly convergent approximations to Dirichlet’s problem for semi-linear elliptic equations,Applicable Analysis2 (1972), 229-240 (with R. P. Gilbert).
19. Cauchy’s problem for a class of fourth order elliptic equations in two independent variables,Applicable Analysis1 (1971), 13-22.
20. Integral operators and complete families of solutions for,Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 43 (1971), 62-78. Corrigendum, 48 (l972), 397 (with R. P. Gilbert).
21. Bergman operators for elliptic equations in four independent variables,SIAM J. Math. Anal.3 (l972), 401-412.
22. Integral representations of solutions to a class of fourth order elliptic equations in three independent variables, Mathematika18 (1971), 283-290.
23. Integral operators for elliptic equations in three independent variables I,Applicable Analysis4 (l974), 77-95.
24. Integral operators for elliptic equations in three independent variables II,Applicable Analysis4 (l975), 283-295.
25. On the analytic theory of pseudoparabolic equations,Quart. J. Math.23(1972), 179-192.
26. Improperly posed initial value problems for self-adjoint hyperbolic and elliptic equations,SIAM J. Math. Anal.4 (1973), 42-5l.
27. Pseudoparabolic equations in one space variable,J. Diff. Eqns.12(l972), 559-565.
28. Integral operators and the first initial boundary value problem for pseudoparabolic equations with analytic coefficients,J. Diff. Eqns.13 (l973), 506-522.
29. Bergman operators for parabolic equations in two space variables,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.38 (l973), ll9-l26.
30 The non-characteristic Cauchy problem for parabolic equations in one space variable,SIAM J. Math. Anal.5 (l974), 263-272.
31. The non-characteristic Cauchy problem for parabolic equations in two space variables,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.41 (l973), 55l-556.
32. Generalized reflection principles for parabolic equations in one space variable,Duke Math. J.41 (l974), 547-553.
33. Integral operators and reflection principles for parabolic equations in one space variable,J. Diff. Eqns.15 (l974), 551-559.
34. The approximation of solutions to initial boundary value problems for parabolic equations in one space variable,Quart. Applied Math.33 (l976), 377-386.
35. The inverse Stefan problem for the heat equation in two space variables, Mathematika21 (l974), 282-286.
36. Runge’s theorem for parabolic equations in two space variables,Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh73A (l975), 307-3l5.
37. Complete families of solutions for parabolic equations with analytic coefficients,SIAM J. Math. Anal.6 (l975), 937-947.
38. The solution of initial-boundary value problems for parabolic equations by the method of integral operators,J. Diff. Eqns.,26 (l977), 181-l90.
39. Constructive methods for solving the exterior Neumann problem for the reduced wave equation in a spherically symmetric medium,Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh,75A (l976), 98-l07 (with W. Wendland)
40. An inverse scattering problem for acoustic waves in a spherically symmetric medium,Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.20 (l977), 257-263.
41. A reflection principle for solutions to the Helmholtz equation and an application to the inverse scattering problem,Glasgow Math. J.,18 (l977), 125-130.
42. Complete families of solutions to the heat equation and generalized heat equation in,J. Diff. Eqns., 25 (l977), 96-l07 (with W. Watzlawek).
43. The scattering of acoustic waves by a spherically stratified inhomogeneous medium,Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh,76A (l977), 345-350.
44. The exterior Dirichlet problem for,Applicable Analysis, 7 (l978), 207-212.
45. The scattering of acoustic waves by a spherically stratified medium and an obstacle,SIAM J. Math. Anal.,9 (l978), 935-942.
46. The solution of problems in radiowave propagation by the method of parabolic equations and transformation operators,Applicable Analysis,8 (l978), ll-22.
47. The numerical solution of parabolic partial differential equations by the method of integral operators,Int. J. Computer Math.,6 (l977), 229-239 (with Y. F. Chang).
48. On reflection principles for parabolic equations in one space variable,Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.,21 (l978), l43-l47.
49. The construction of solutions to acoustic scattering problems in a spherically stratified medium,Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math.,31 (l978), 9-17 (with R. Kress).
50. Remarks on the representation of zero by solutions of differential equations,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,74 (l979), 232-234 (with J. Wimp).
51. The construction of solutions to acoustic scattering problems in a spherically stratified medium II,Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math.,32 (l979), 53-62 (with R. Kress).
52. The construction of solutions to the heat equation backward in time,Math. Methods Applied Science,1 (l979), 32-39 (with J. Wimp).
53. Asymptotic behavior of the fundamental solution to the equation of heat conduction in two temperatures,J. Math. Anal. Appl.,69 (l979), 4ll-4l8 (with J. Wimp).
54. The approximation of solutions to the backwards heat equation in a nonhomogeneous medium,J. Math. Anal. Appl.,72 (l979), 418-429.
55. The inverse scattering problem for a cylinder,Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh,84A (l979), l35-l43.
56. Arthur Erdelyi (Obituary Notice),Bull. London Math. Soc.,11 (1979), 191-207.
57. The direct and inverse scattering problems for an arbitrary cylinder: Dirichlet boundary conditions,Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh,86A (l980), 29-42 (with R. Kleinman).
58. Schwarz reflection principles for solutions of parabolic equations,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,82 (l98l), 87-94.
59. Iterative methods for solving the exterior Dirichlet problem for the Helmholtz equation with applications to the inverse scattering problem for low frequency acoustic waves,J. Math. Anal. Appl.77 (l980), 60-72 (with R. Kress).
60. Remarks on the inverse scattering problem for low frequency acoustic waves,J. Diff. Eqns.,37 (l980), 374-38l.
61. The determination of the surface impedance of an obstacle from measurements of the far field pattern,SIAM J. Appl. Math.41 (l98l), 8-l5 (with A. Kirsch).
62. Stable methods for solving the inverse scattering problem for a cylinder,Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh,89A (l98l), l8l-l88 (with A. Kirsch).
63. The impedance boundary value problem for the time harmonic Maxwell equations,Math. Methods Applied Science,3 (l98l), 475-487 (with R. Kress).
64. The inverse electromagnetic scattering problem for a perfectly conducting cylinder,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation29 (1981), 364-368.
65. The three dimensional inverse scattering problem for acoustic waves,J. Diff. Eqns.46 (1982), 46-58 (with T. S. Angell and A. Kirsch).
66. Runge’s theorem and far field patterns for the impedance boundary value problem in acoustic wave propagation,SIAM J. Math. Anal.13 (l982), 970-977.
67. The unique solvability of the null field equations of acoustics,Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math.,36 (l983), 87-95 (with R. Kress).
68. Stable methods for determining the surface impedance of an obstacle from low frequency far field data,Applicable Analysis,14 (l982), 6l-70.
69. Dense sets and far field patterns in acoustic wave propagation,SIAM J. Math. Anal.,15 (l984), 996-l006 (with A. Kirsch).
70. Far field patterns for the impedance boundary value problem in acoustic scattering,Applicable Analysis,16 (1983), 131-139.
71. The numerical solution of the inverse Stefan problem in two space variables,SIAM J. Appl. Math.,44 (1984), 996-1013 (with R. Reemtsen).
72. The inverse scattering problem for time-harmonic acoustic waves,SIAM Review,26 (1984), 323-350.
73. Uniqueness theorems for the inverse problem of acoustic scattering,IMA J. Appl. Math.31 (l983), 253-259 (with B. D. Sleeman).
74. Dense sets and far field patterns in electromagnetic wave propagation,SIAM J. Math. Anal.,16 (1985), 1049-1060, (with R. Kress).
75. Analytic solutions of the heat equation and some formulas for Laguerre and Hermite polynomials,Complex Variables3 (l984), 397-412 (with J. Wimp).
76. The strong maximum principle for the heat equation,Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.,27 (1984), 297-299.
77. A novel method for solving the inverse scattering problem for time-harmonic acoustic waves in the resonance region,SIAM J. Appl. Math.,45 (1985), 1039-1053 (with P. Monk).
78. A novel method for solving the inverse scattering problem for time-harmonic acoustic waves in the resonance region II,SIAM J. Appl. Math., 46(1986), 506-523 (with P. Monk).
79. Generalized Herglotz domains,Math. Methods Applied Sciences,8 (1986), 451-457 (with J. Wimp).
80. The numerical solution of the three dimensional inverse scattering problem for time harmonic acoustic waves,SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comp.,8 (1987), 278-291 (with P. Monk).
81. The inverse scattering problem for time harmonic acoustic waves in a penetrable medium,Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math.,40 (1987), 189-212 (with P. Monk).
82. The inverse scattering problem for time harmonic acoustic waves in an inhomogeneous medium,Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math.,41 (1988), 97-125 (with P. Monk).
83. Dense sets and far field patterns for acoustic waves in an inhomogeneous medium,Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.,31 (1988), 401-407.
84. Karp’s theorem in acoustic scattering theory,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,103 (1988), 783-788 (with A. Kirsch).
85. Far field patterns and the inverse scattering problem for electromagnetic waves in an inhomogeneous medium,Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.,103 (1988), 561-575 (with L. Päivärinta).
86. Karp’s theorem in electromagnetic scattering theory,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,104 (1988), 764-769 (with R. Kress).
87. Far field patterns and the inverse scattering problem for acoustic waves in an inhomogeneous medium,Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math.,42 (1989), 317-326.
88. Some preliminary observations on an algorithm for the computation of moment integrals,J. Comp. Applied Math.,19 (1987), 117-124 (with A. Calardi, B. Kline and J. Wimp).
89. Far field patterns for acoustic waves in an inhomogeneous medium,SIAM J. Math. Anal.20 (1989), 1472-1483 (with A. Kirsch and L. Päivärinta).
90. The inverse scattering problem for time harmonic acoustic waves in an inhomogeneous medium: numerical experiments,IMA Jour. Appl. Math.,42 (1989), 77-95 (with P. Monk).
91. A new method for solving the inverse scattering problem for acoustic waves in an inhomogeneous medium,Inverse Problems5 (1989), 1013-1026 (with P. Monk).
92. Far field patterns and inverse scattering problems for imperfectly conducting obstacles,Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.106 (1989), 553-569 (with T.S. Angell and R. Kress).
93. The scattering of electromagnetic waves by a perfectly conducting infinite cylinder,Math. Methods Applied Sciences,12 (1990), 503-518 (with P. Monk).
94. Far field patterns for electromagnetic waves in an inhomogeneous medium,SIAM J. Math. Anal.,21 (1990), 1537-1549 (with L. Päivärinta).
95. Time harmonic electromagnetic waves in an inhomogeneous medium,Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh116A (1990), 279-293 (with R. Kress).
96. A new method for solving the inverse scattering problem for acoustic waves in an inhomogeneous medium II,Inverse Problems,6 (1990), 935-947 (with P. Monk).
97. The use of polarization effects in electromagnetic inverse scattering problems,Math. Methods Applied Science,15 (1992), 1-10 (with A. Kirsch).
98. An approximation problem in inverse scattering theory,Applicable Analysis,41 (1991), 23-32 (with A. Kirsch).
99., A comparison of two methods for solving the inverse scattering problem for acoustic waves in an inhomogeneous medium,J. Comp. Appl. Math.42 (1992), 5-16 (with P. Monk).
100. The uniqueness of a solution to an inverse scattering problem for electromagnetic waves,Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.119 (1992), 59-70 (with L. Päivärinta).
101. The numerical solution of an inverse scattering problem for acoustic waves,IMA Journal Appl. Math.49 (1992), 163-184 (with P. Monk).
102. On a class of integral equations of the first kind in inverse scattering theory,SIAM J. Appl. Math.,53 (1993), 847-860 (with P. Monk).
103. Modified far field operators in inverse scattering theory,SIAM J. Math. Anal,24 (1993), 365-389 (with P. Hahner).
104. Target signatures for imperfectly conducting obstacles at fixed frequency,Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math.47 (1994), 1-15 (with A. Kirsch).
105. Eigenvalues of the far field operator and inverse scattering theory,SIAM J. Math Anal.,26 (1995), 601-615 (with R. Kress).
106. Eigenvalues of the far field operator for the Helmholtz equation in an absorbing medium,SIAM J. Appl. Math.,55 (1995), 1724-1735 (with R. Kress).
107. A modified dual space method for solving the electromagnetic inverse scattering problem for an infinite cylinder,Inverse Problems,10 (1994), 87-107 (with P. Monk).
108. The detection and monitoring of leukemia using electromagnetic waves: mathematical theory,Inverse Problems10 (1994), 1235-1251 (with P. Monk).
109. A new approach to detecting leukemia: using computational electromagnetics,IEEE Comp. Science and Engineering,2 (1995), 46-52 (with P. Monk).
110. The detection and monitoring of leukemia using electromagnetic waves: numerical analysis,Inverse Problems11 (1995), 329-342 (with P. Monk).
111. A new algorithm in electromagnetic inverse scattering theory with an application to medical imaging,Math Methods Applied Science,20 (1997), 385-401 (with R. Kress and P. Monk).
112. A simple method for solving inverse scattering problems in the resonance region,Inverse Problems,12 (1996), 383-393 (with A. Kirsch).
113. A linear sampling method for the detection of leukemia using microwaves,SIAM J. Applied Math.,58 (1998), 926-941 (with P. Monk).
114. A simple method using Morozov’s discrepancy principle for solving inverse scattering problems,Inverse Problems,13 (1997), 1477-1493 (with M. Piana and R. Potthast).
115. Inverse scattering from an orthotropic medium,J. Comp. Appl. Math.,81 (1997), 269-298 (with R. Kress and P. Monk).
116. The simple method for solving the electromagnetic inverse scattering problem: the case of TE polarized waves,Inverse Problems,14 (1998), 597-614 (with M. Piana).
117. The inverse electromagnetic scattering problem for an anisotropic medium,Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math.52 (1999), 349-372 (with R. Potthast).
118. A regularized sampling method for solving three dimensional inverse scattering problems,SIAM J. Scientific Computation,21 (2000), 2316-2330 (with K. Giebermann and P. Monk).
119. A linear sampling method for the detection of leukemia using microwaves II,SIAM J. Applied Math.,60 (1999), 241-255 (with P. Monk).
120. Transmission eigenvalues and a problem of Hans Lewy,J. Comp. Appl. Math.,117 (2000), 91-104 (with L. Päivärinta).
121. Recent developments in inverse acoustic scattering theory,SIAM Review,42 (2000), 369-414 (with J. Coyle and P. Monk).
122. An approximation property of importance in inverse scattering theory,Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.,44 (2001), 449-454 (with B. D. Sleeman).
123. Inequalities for inverse scattering problems in absorbing media, Inverse Problems,17 (2001), 597-605 (with M. Piana).
124. The direct and inverse scattering problems for partially coated obstacles,Inverse Problems,17 (2001), 1997-2015 (with F. Cakoni and P. Monk). Corrigendum, Inverse Problems, 29 (2013), 029501.
125. On the denseness of Herglotz wave functions and electromagnetic Herglotz pairs in Sobolev spaces,Math. Methods Applied Science,24 (2001), 1289-1303 (with R. Kress).
126. Mathematical and numerical methods in inverse acoustic scattering theory,Zeit. Ang. Math. Mech.,81 (2001), 723-731 (with P. Monk).
127. The linear sampling method for anisotropic media,J. Comp. Appl. Math.,146 (2002), 285-299 (with F. Cakoni and H. Haddar).
128. The linear sampling method for solving the electromagnetic inverse scattering problem,SIAM J. Scientific Computation,24 (2002), 719-731 (with H. Haddar and P. Monk).
129. Combined far field operators in electromagnetic inverse scattering theory,Math. Methods Applied Science, 26 (2003), 413-429 (with F. Cakoni).
130. The linear sampling method for cracks, Inverse Problems,19 (2003), 279-295 (with F.Cakoni).
131 On the mathematical basis of the linear sampling method, Georgian Mathematical Journal, 10 (2003), 411-425 (with F. Cakoni).
132. The inverse electromagnetic scattering problem for screens, Inverse Problems, 19 (2003), 627-642 (with F. Cakoni and E. Darrigrand).133
133. A uniqueness theorem for an inverse electromagnetic scattering problem in inhomogeneous anisotropic media,Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.46 (2003), 293-314 (with F. Cakoni).
134. The linear sampling method in inverse electromagnetic scattering theory,Inverse Problems,19, (2003), 105-137 (with H. Haddar and M. Piana).
135. The determination of the surface impedance of a partially coated obstacle from far field data, SIAM J. Appl. Math.,64(2004), 709-723 (with F. Cakoni).
136. The electromagnetic inverse scattering problem for partially coated Lipschitz domains,Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh,134A (2004), 661-682 (with F. Cakoni and P. Monk).
137. A target signature for distinguishing perfect conductors from anisotropic media of finite conductivity,Math. Comp. Sim. 66 (2004), 325-335 (with F. Cakoni).
138. The determination of the surface conductivity of a partially coated dielectric,SIAM J. Appl. Math. 65 (2005), 767-789 (with F. Cakoni and P. Monk).
139. An application of the reciprocity gap functional to inverse scattering theory, Inverse Problems 21 (2005), 383-398 (with H. Haddar).
140. Open problems in the qualitative approach to inverse electromagnetic scattering theory, European Jour. Appl. Math. 16 (2005), 411- 425 (with F. Cakoni).
141. Target identification of coated objects, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 54 (2006), 1232 – 1242 (with P. Monk).
142. Target identification of buried objects, Comp. Appl. Math., 25 (2006), 269-288 (with F. Cakoni).
143. Using fundamental solutions in inverse scattering, Inverse Problems 22 (2006), R49 – R66 (with R.Kress
144. The inverse electromagnetic scattering problem for a partially coated dielectric, J. Comp. Appl. Math., 204 (2007), 256-267 (with F. Cakoni and P. Monk)145.
145. The interior transmission problem, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 1 (2007), 13-28 (with L. Paivarinta and J. Sylvester).146
146. On the use of transmission eigenvalues to estimate the index of refraction from far field data, Inverse Problems, 23 (2007), 507-522 (with F. Cakoni and P. Monk).
147. Inequalities in inverse scattering theory, Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, 15 (2007), 483-491 (with F. Cakoni).
148. Transmission eigenvalues and the nondestructive testing of dielectrics, Inverse Problems, 24 (2008) 065016 (with F. Cakoni and M. Cayoren).
149. The computation of lower bounds for the norm of the index of refraction in an anisotropic media from far field data, Jour. Integral Equations and Applications, 21 (2009), 203-227 (with F. Cakoni and H. Haddar).
150. The determination of boundary coefficients from far field measurements, Jour. Integral Equations and Applications, 22 (2010), 167-191 (with F. Cakoni and P. Monk).
151. The interior transmission problem for regions with cavities, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 42 (2010), 145-162 (with F. Cakoni and H. Haddar).
152. On the determination of Dirichlet or transmission eigenvalues from far field data, Compte Rendues Mathematique, 348 (2010), 379-383 (with F. Cakoni and H. Haddar).
153. Analytical and computational methods for transmisson eigenvalues, Inverse Problems, 26 (2010), 045011 (with P. Monk and J. Sun).
154. The inverse electromagnetic scattering problem for anisostropic media, Inverse Problems, 26 (2010), 074004 (with F. Cakoni, P. Monk and J. Sun).
155. The interior transmission eigenvalue problem, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 42 (2010), 2912-2921 (with F. Cakoni and D. Gintides).
156. The inverse scattering problem for cavities with impedance boundary condition, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 36 (2012), 157-174 (with H. Qin).
157. The inverse scattering problem for cavities, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 62 (2012), 699-708 (with H. Qin).
158. The interior transmission eigenvalue problem for absorbing media, Inverse Problems, 28 (2012), 045005 (with F. Cakoni and H. Haddar).
159. Complex transmission eigenvalues for spherically stratified media, Inverse Problems, 28 (2012), 075005 (with Y. J. Leung).
160. Complex eigenvalues and the inverse spectral problem for transmission eigenvalues, Inverse Problems, 29 (2013), 104008 (with Y. J. Leung).
161. The inverse scattering problem for a penetrable cavity with internal measurements, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 615, AMS, Providence, RI, 2014, 71-88 (with F. Cakoni and S. Meng).
162. Toward a time domain approach to the linear sampling method, Inverse Problems, 29 (2013) 095016 (with Y. Guo and P. Monk).
163. The inverse spectral problem for exterior transmission eigenvalues, Inverse Problems, 30 (2014) 055010 (with Y. J. Leung and S. Meng).
164. Spectral properties of the exterior transmission eigenvalue problem, Inverse Problems, 30 (2014) 105010 (with S. Meng).
165. Distribution of complex transmission eigenvalues for spherically stratified media, Inverse Problems, 31 (2015) 035006 (with Y.J. Leung and S. Meng).
166 The linear sampling method for sparse small aperture data, Applicable Analysis, 95 (2016), 1599-1615 (with Y. Guo and P. Monk).
167 On a transmission eigenvalue problem for a spherically stratified coated dielectric, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 10 (2016), 369-377 (with Y.J.Leung).
168 The existence of complex transmission eigenvalues for spherically stratified media, Applicable Analysis, 96 (2017), 39-47 (with Y.J. Leung).
169 Stekloff eigenvalues in inverse scattering, SIAM J. Appl. Math, 76 (2016), 1737-1763 (with F. Cakoni, S. Meng and P. Monk).
170 The Born transmission eigenvalue problem, Inverse Problems, 32 (2016), 105014 (with F. Cakoni and J. Rezac).
171. Qualitative methods in inverse electromagnetic scattering theory, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 59 (2017),24-33 (with F. Cakoni and P. Monk).
172. The inverse spectral problem for transmission eigenvalues, Inverse Problems 33 (2017), 055015 (with S. Cogar and Y.J. Leung).
173. Peter Monk and inverse scattering theory, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 74 (2017), 2460- 2644.
174. Modified transmission eigenvalues in inverse scattering theory, SIAM Review 33 (2017), 125002 (with S. Cogar ,S.Meng and P. Monk).
175 . Looking back on inverse scattering theory, SIAM Review 60 (2018), 779-807 (with R. Kress).
176. Using eigenvalues to detect anomalies in the exterior of a cavity, Inverse Problems 34 (2018), 08506 (with S. Cogar and P. Monk).