Video Game Celebration!
Climate Change & Oceans
Join a celebration of all things climate change and video games!
Stop by to play a video game made during our first national Climate Change Video Game Jam (Design Competition – including a game made by UD students!), play a board game, check out a climate and oceans art exhibit, watch the anime Ponyo, hear talks about how video games can have social impact, and celebrate our winners and all our jam participants who managed to build playable games in just three weeks.
Drop by for a few minutes or join us for the full day.
12-2 Open Game Play, Movie, Art Exhibit
2-3 Environmental Games Talks
3-4 Keynote: Carolina Torres, E-Line Media, Impact Producer (describing her work on Beyond Blue & other games for change)
4pm Awards!
Friday, March 8, 2024 at 12:00pm to 5:00pm
Perkins Student Center, Ewing Room & eSports Arena
Perkins Student Center, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19717, USA