CIDER Welcomes Dr. Julie Schneider

Dr. Schneider is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Linguistics & Cognitive Science.  She recently received a MASSIVE award from NSF – Read more

CIDER director named 2019 Macy faculty scholar

Barret Michalec, associate dean of Interprofessional Education for the College of Health Sciences, was named one of five Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation’s 2019 Macy Faculty Scholars. The Scholars program, open to educators in medicine and nursing schools nationwide, aims...

CIDER is on the IPE map!

The commitment to interprofessional practice and education is taking hold across the United States. Educational institutions and health systems are implementing a variety of organizational models to support the advancement of interprofessional practice and education...

I-TEAM is coming: Fall 2019

Through funding from UD’s Grand Challenges Program, we are pleased to offer health profession students an opportunity to engage in the Interprofessional Training in Empathy, Affect, & Mindfulness. Read more