
I really enjoy teaching math! I like talking with students about math and helping them discover new ways of thinking about mathematical ideas. I also learn from students when they explain their thinking in ways I had never thought about before.  I believe that students learn best when they are active participants, solving interesting open-ended problems, and coming up with their own problem-solving strategies.  I also believe that students need opportunities to talk about mathematics with other student.

I teach the following courses:

  • Elementary and Middle School Pre-Service Teacher Courses
    MATH 217 – Algebra for Middle School Teachers
    MATH 252 – Mathematics for K-8 Teachers: Rational Numbers and Probablity
    MATH 253 – Mathematics for K-8 Teachers: Geometry, Algebra and Measurement
    EDUC  267 – Representations of Mathematics Teachers in Contemporary Films
    EDUC 367 – Observing/reflecting on high school mathematics teaching in a real classroom
  • Mathematics Education Ph.D. Seminar Courses
    EDUC 833 – Research and Theory of Mathematics Learning
    EDUC 834 – Research and Theory of Mathematics Teaching
    EDUC 835 – Research and Theory of Mathematics Curriculum