I work with fabulous colleagues to run the UD School of Education’s Mathematics Education Program Area. We have a great Mathematics Education Doctoral Program and we teach innovative teacher education courses for prospective elementary and middle school teachers.
I served as an Associate Editor for the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (2015-2020).
Together with former colleagues on the JRME editorial team, we held two conferences for early career researchers on conducting research in mathematics education (in 2021 and 2022). These conferences were funded through NSF [Co-Principal Investigator, Conference Proposal: Looking Back and Looking Forward: Increasing the Impact of Educational Research on Practice. (Dr. Jinfa Cai, PI; Dr. James Hiebert, Co-PI; Dr. Anne Morris, Co-PI) ($99,971). National Science Foundation – Discovery Research PreK–12 (DRK12), 2019–2022.]