Jun 10, 2023
The Fromen lab has had another busy semester! Lots of exciting news and milestones to share in this Spring 2023 wrap up! Congratulations to the newly minted Dr. Kartik Bomb, the Fromen lab’s fourth PhD graduate!!! Kartik was co-advised with Prof April Kloxin and...
Mar 18, 2023
Spring 2023 is off to a busy start for the Fromen lab! First, we have two accepted manuscripts to celebrate: Congrats to PhD alumni Zach Stillman for his manuscript in Journal of Nanobiotechnology titled “Aluminum-Based Metal-Organic Framework Nanoparticles as...
Feb 23, 2023
Congratulations to the newly minted Dr. Emily Kolewe, the Fromen lab’s third PhD graduate!!! Emily defended her thesis earlier this week, entitled “In Silico/In Vitro Pulmonary Airway Models for Novel and Targeted Aerosols and Inhalable Therapeutics”. She will be...
Dec 22, 2022
The fall 2022 semester has come and gone, with lots of exciting news for the Fromen lab! First up, congratulations to Kartik and the team for their recent publication in Advanced Materials Technologies entitled “Cell therapy biomanufacturing: uniting...
Sep 9, 2022
Congratulations are in order for some amazing recent accomplishments! First, congratulations to Kartik Bomb and the whole team for their recent publication in Biomaterials Science: Destructive fibrotic teamwork: how both microenvironment stiffness and profibrotic...