It was a busy Halloween for the Fromen lab!
Undergraduate students Shuja and Lucas presented excellent posters at the AIChE Annual meeting in Pittsburgh:

Meanwhile… back in Newark… Fromen lab Graduate students place first in the First CBI Pumpkin Decorating contest! Meet “Frankie the Fro”

“Our pumpkin, Frankie, shows our Hengineer pride, Colored blue and yellow to show the feelings we would never hide. With models 3D-printed from CT scan-derived lungs, Our lab has discovered that regional targeting of therapeutics is not too far flung. The very same printed lung model in Frankie resides, With the lights showing the region to which therapeutics we will guide. Targeting is only a part of our lab’s whole, Since designing the therapeutics is also a part of our role. With all of that said and still being done, Frankie’s lab coat and shoes show that lab safety is always concern number one.”

Congrats to all for always being “Best in Show”!