Date: October 8, 2018
Time: 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Location: DBI 102
Participants: Kelly, Priscilla, Wenbo, Juniper
Minutes by Wenbo
1.Revise the INBRE professional development workshop funding application.
If there is not problem, it will be submitted on Tuesday, Oct 9th
2.invite Biology department graduate student or alumni coming
Invite biology graduate alumni coming for our event as an individual event or not
Discuss about event funding and biology department connection way.
3.CBCB Networking event
it would be hold in next semester on 18th February, which is individual event for
our program,which invite alumni coming to introduce students their work experience
4.student association registration application in UD
Start to do our graduation student association application
5 .Dr. Schmidt workshop.
He don't come back. We will discuss in next week.