Student Involvement at the CBC
Under the auspices of the CBC, students serve on committees, participate in campus organizations and help implement CBC programs. Students can enjoy meaningful connections with others through our peer mentoring program Each One Reach One or one of the Black Leadership Council (BLC) groups listed in the directory below. BLC organizations meet monthly to discuss upcoming events and issues impacting the Black community.
Registered Student Organizations, Fraternities and Sororities supported through the CBC
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
(Lambda Gamma Chapter)
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
(Xi Omicron Chapter)
Cultural Programming Advisory Board
Dark Arts Dance Theater
Delaware African Students Association
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
(Mu Pi Chapter)
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
(Nu Xi Chapter)
National Association of Black Accountants
National Society of Black Engineers
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
(Kappa Eta Chapter)
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
(Chi Theta Chapter)
Black Leadership Council
Bolded organizations are members of the Black Leadership Council.

Cultural Programming Advisory Board (CPAB)
The Cultural Programming Advisory Board (CPAB), formally known as the Minority Student Programming Advisory Board was founded in 1980 by the CBC. CPAB creates programs and activities that will positively impact the African-American community.
Black Student Union (βSU)
Since 1968, the Black Student Union (BSU) has aimed to represent Black students at the University of Delaware in political matters. The BSU serves as a primary advocate for Black students by taking active measures to improve campus climate.

Student Employment
The Center for Black Culture is one of the largest employers of African American students on campus. At the CBC, students are given the opportunity to work in an environment that supports and fosters their academic success.
Our students gain experience in:
– Developing and implementing programs
– Peer to peer mentoring
– Creating promotional materials and marketing
– Facility management
– Secretarial duties and responsibilities
Work-Study Opportunities
The Federal Work-Study Program is designed to provide part-time employment for students who need the income to help meet the costs of post-secondary education. Find out more and determine your eligibility here.
Non-Work Study Opportunities
We may hire a few students each year without work study. Positions change from year to year and are typically listed on Handshake.