A Canvas production update will occur on Saturday, January 21, 2023. Check out the full release notes. Production updates occur on third Saturday of each month, and the next planned update is Saturday, March 18, 2023. There is no February, 2023, production update scheduled since no feature updates will be available. Updates in the current release include:
Gradebook Missing Status Keyboard Shortcut (January 4 deploy)
Similar to the “EX” shortcut to add the Excused tag to an assignment, you can now type the “MI” shortcut in a grade box to apply the missing status tag in both Grades and SpeedGrader.
Unlike the Excused tag, no text is displayed in the grade box. The grade box color should change to match the View Status settings in your gradebook.
For more information, browse the Canvas Release Notes to find updated features or bug fixes that apply to you based on your Canvas usage. If you have any questions about the changes or about how to use Canvas effectively, IT-Academic Technology Services staff is always available at the IT-ATS Welcome Bar or you can send your questions to canvas-info@udel.edu.