A Canvas production update will occur on Saturday, April 16, 2022. Check out the full release notes. Production updates occur on third Saturday of each month, and the next planned update is Saturday, May 21, 2022. Updates in the current release include:
Rich Content Editor – Icon Maker
The new icon maker in the Rich Content Editor (RCE) provides instructors a tool to create simple icons to incorporate into their Canvas content. The icon maker is accessible from a new RCE menu item. To create new icons, select the “Create Icon Maker Icon” option. To select existing icons, click the “Saved Icon Maker Icons” option.
Optional predefined single-color and multi-color images are available to add to your icon. The ability to upload custom images is currently planned for a future release. When complete, the icon displays embedded in the editor. Completed icons are stored in the Icon Maker Icons folder in course Files as a .svg file. Please note, the icon maker is not yet available in the mobile app RCE.
Course Setting – Default Due Time Field
Each course has a new option setting to adjust the default due time of assignments displayed in the user interface. The default is 11:59 pm, but you can configure the due time for your course in Settings on the Course Details tab. The setting will not affect existing assignments.
Rich Content Editor – Equation Editor Update (Available starting April 1) The Equation Editor interface in the Rich Content Editor has been updated. This update was originally scheduled for the March 19 update, but was delayed. This change provides mobile responsiveness and an enhanced user experience across Canvas courses.

For more information, please see the Canvas guide, How do I use the Math Editor in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor?
Assignments – Bulk Due Date Time Editor (March 30 deploy)
The bulk due date editor now includes the ability for instructors to also bulk update the due date times of assignments.
If you are not familiar with the bulk due date editor, please see the Canvas guide, How do I bulk update due dates and availability dates as an instructor?
For more information, browse the Canvas Release Notes to find updated features or bug fixes that apply to you based on your Canvas usage. If you have any questions about the changes or about how to use Canvas effectively, IT-Academic Technology Services staff is always available at the IT-ATS Welcome Bar or you can send your questions to canvas-info@udel.edu.