Erin Brannick
Erin Brannick is a licensed veterinarian and veterinary anatomic pathologist certified by the American College of Veterinary Pathology. She trained at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine and is knowledgeable across organ systems and animal species. Her diagnostic work focuses on disease surveillance for common and emerging diseases in commercial broiler chicken flocks. Her research involves collaborative studies on animal health and animal models of human disease. Dr. Brannick has over 20 years of veterinary and over 10 years of pathology experience.
Contact Dr. Erin Brannick
302-831-7208 x 1342

Joanne Cooper
Joanne Cooper is a registered histotechnician certified by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP). She received her training from Delaware Technical Community College (DTCC) and has over 12 years of histology experience. She helps to train future histotechnicians in the UD Comparative Pathology Laboratory through a training partnership with DTCC and is active in the Delaware chapter of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science.
Contact Joanne Cooper
302-831-7208 x 7208