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Getting Results

Quality Assurance

We take great pride in producing high quality blocks, slides and images through our service.  Please contact the pathologist with any concerns about specimen or image quality.  We will make every effort to resolve quality control issues promptly and will replace slides with trimming, sectioning or staining artifacts at no cost to the client if these services were performed in our laboratory.

Expected turn-around time

Originally developed as a support laboratory dedicated to the surveillance and diagnosis of disease in Delmarva poultry flocks, our laboratory gives highest priority to diagnostic case submissions from the Lasher Laboratory, Allen Laboratory, and Maryland Department of Agriculture’s Salisbury Animal Health Laboratory.  Diagnostic case results are reported within 1-5 business days. 

Research studies have a targeted completion of 1-3 weeks for histology services and 2 weeks - 2 months for histopathologic analysis, depending on complexity of analysis and specimen numbers.   Please  contact us for an estimate of time to completion for your submission, as diagnostic and research caseload is highly variable throughout the year.  Rush orders are available for an additional fee.

Retrieving finished materials (blocks or slides)

Diagnostic case materials are the property of the Comparative Pathology Laboratory and are archived in our specimen library in Suite 140 at the Delaware Biotechnology and off site storage.  Blocks and slides in the archive are retained for approximately 20 years.  Archived material can be utilized for teaching or research upon request, but must be returned to our laboratory following use.  Research specimens and tissue blocks and slides produced from research specimens are considered the property of the submitting client and are returned upon completion of the work request.  Due to space limitations, we can no longer add research specimens to our archives, so submitting laboratories will be notified to claim materials at study completion.  The laboratory reserves the right to permanently dispose of research specimens not collected within 6 months of study completion. Please inquire about digital slide scanning services to create a lasting virtual archive of your research specimens.

PLEASE NOTE: Once research materials (tissues/blocks/slides) are removed from the Comparative Pathology Laboratory, it is the responsibility of the client to properly store and maintain the materials.  The Comparative Pathology Laboratory cannot be held responsible for lost, broken, or damage specimens following removal from our laboratory.  Recuts of lost or broken slides can be made for an additional fee if original blocks are still available.


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