Join Delaware 4-H in collecting items for Operation Christmas Child!
Operation Christmas Child helps bring holiday joy to children in need all over the world!
One shoebox can change a life! Join us in packing your own shoebox full of items or donate items to be include in shoeboxes.
Bring items or packed boxes to your County 4-H Office by November 15.
Some items that are suggested for boxes:
Playing cards, wet wipes, superhero figurines, scissors, lip balm, play dough, solid stick deodorant, makeup, bandages, eating utensils, feminine products, eating utensils, and marbles. A full list of items is included here:
Please do not pack these items:
War-related items, Vaseline, anything containing liquid, food, candy, gum, seeds, rocks, toothpaste, money or play money, baking powder, baking soda, razors, breakable items, aerosol, and used clothing or toys