It’s almost spring and I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to some bright sunny days ahead.
We are all sending Kaitlin and Ryan positive thoughts as they welcome their baby girl into their home. Klair joined their family on February 21st! Please join us all in wishing them well.
The spring 4-H calendar is loaded with events, activities, and contests. Please take the time to read through everything in the blog this month – there is a lot.
Kaitlin will return to work in the middle of May, so Serena and I are holding down the fort. If you have any questions or need anything while Kaitlin is out, please don’t hesitate to contact either of us by calling the office at 302-831-8965 or emailing me.
Happy Spring and I hope to see you at some events this season!
Ms. Jenny jtrunfio@udel.edu
Please see Kaitlin’s message below:
Hello 4-Hers’!
We have had some busy weekends with Favorite Foods, Photography contest and State Teen Conference this past month. Get ready for March and April! Please make sure to read through everything as many due dates are coming up.
We would like to congratulate Victoria Fuller, Bruce Patrick and Emily Campbell for being selected to represent New Castle County at National IGNITE Conference this coming month and Liam Aber for being selected to represent New Castle County at National 4-H Conference in April.
Calling all Seniors don’t forget to fill out the Delaware 4-H Foundation scholarship and the Senior Spotlight to be featured on social media and in the newsletters!
Up and coming items to be aware of:
– Egg My Yard Fundraiser – due March 22
– Kent County Basket Auction – March 22
– Wildlife/ Horticulture Judging contests – March 25
– Litter Barrel registration – due March 25
– Delaware State Fair Entries open – April 1
Inclement Weather Policy – If the Christina School District closes for the day, has early dismissal, or cancels after-school activities, then New Castle County 4-H events are cancelled. Weekend 4-H events will be cancelled if the University of Delaware closes or cancels events.
If you need anything before, we see you at our next event, workshop or get together don’t hesitate to reach out to Ms. Jenny, Serena and me! We hope to see you soon at the next 4-H event.
Yours in 4-H,
Ms. Kaitlin
Extension Educator, 4-H
Stay “in the know” with Delaware 4-H online!
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/Delaware4H
- Twitter: @Delaware4H
- Instagram:@Delaware4H
- Youtube (Playlist): www.udel.edu/008350
- Website: www.udel.edu/4-H