Agent Letter

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DE State Fair 4-H

Happy June!

Summer about to be in full swing and it looks like it’s going to be a great 4-H Summer! Be sure to read through all the newsletter, you don’t want to miss anything going on this summer!

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the judging contests, demonstration contest, archery shoots, horse bowl, and litter barrel contest. We can’t wait to see you represent New Castle County at the State level. Once again, we would like to congratulate all our 4-H seniors this year, we are excited to follow along and watch all the incredible things you will do in the next chapter of life!

We have been busy planning away for all the summer camps coming up over the next couple of months! Once again, we’re at Townsend Hall for Newark, CIT and Cloverbud (June 26-30). Environmental and State Camp will be held at Camp Barnes along the muddy miller for another great couple weeks of camp. Environmental Camp is June 9-11 and State Camp is June 12-17 and June 19-24. If you have not signed up yet please do so HERE

Last call to sign up for Livestock and Poultry Judging qualifiers for the State fair, sign up below:

DON’T WAIT!!! Delaware State Fair entries close Thursday, June 1 at 11:59pm for all exhibitors. Enter through the Delaware State Fair exhibitor’s page. Please be make sure you are in the 4-H Section not the Children’s department. We know you all have been working hard on your entries so be sure to get them in on time so we can see all your hard work! Be sure to check out all the volunteer opportunities that come with the fair, you can help with building set up on Tuesday, July 11th, be a host or hostess during the week, help with entry processing, judging, and displaying and help with fair clean up. Be sure to look for the Fair newsletter for all these opportunities. The Fair newsletter is in a below post.

**Please note fair tags will not be mailed to your house; they will be picked up by your club leader at the 4-H office.

Volunteer Opportunity!! If you are interested in helping at the Farm Bureau booth and you are 12 and older please reach out to me, we are looking for help for the evening shift, 3-close, during the first Saturday of the fair (Saturday, July 22).

It’s never too early to start working on your record book, be on the lookout for the updated record book formats. I know it seems far off but unfortunately the Summer will fly by, and September will be here before we know it!

Please don’t hesitate to contact the 4-H office with any questions or concerns and we hope to see you at the upcoming animal judging contests, livestock show, at camp or the fair!

Yours in 4-H,

Ms. Kaitlin

Extension Educator, 4-H

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