Marl Pit Tailgate Session

What: Twilight Tailgate Session

When:  Tuesday, June 5 2018

Where: UD Cooperative Extension Research Demonstration Area

¾ Mile east of Armstrong Corner, on Marl Pit Rd. – Road 429, Middletown

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Bring:  A tailgate or a lawn chair

Credits: Nutrient Management (1.0), Pesticide (1.0)

Join your fellow producers and the UD Extension team for a discussion of this year’s demonstration trials and current production issues.  Other topics will include nutrient management, pest management and weed management.

We will wrap up with the traditional ice cream treat.

The meeting is free and everyone interested in attending is welcome.  If you have special needs in accessing this program, please call the office two weeks in advance.

To register or request more information, please call our office at (302)831-2506.

Thank you and see you there.  Dan Severson

Welcome and Introductions 6:00-6:05

Dan Severson, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension

Overview of Small Grains Variety Trials at Marl Pit 6:05-6:10

Victor Green, University of Delaware Extension

Weed Update 6:10-6:30

Mark VanGessel, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension Weed Specialist

Discussion of early-season weed management issues.

We will talk about what we have seen and been asked about in the spring of 2018.  We will explain and discuss our cover crop demonstration plots at the Marl Pit site as well.


2018 Insect Pest Outlook 6:30-6:50

David Owens, University of Delaware Extension Entomologist.

Perennial insect pests that need to be anticipated will be discussed along with management implications of current insect pest populations.”

Nutrient Management Update 6:50-7:10

Amy Shober, University of Delaware Extension Nutrient Management Specialist

Insect Management Update 7:10-7:30

Bill Cissell, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension

Agronomic Crop Insect Management Update

This talk will address current pest management concerns, focusing on cereal leaf beetle management in small grains and pest management issues with cover crops.


Using NDVI to Measure Wheat Populations and Spring Nitrogen Needs 7:30-7:50

Jarrod Miller, University of Delaware Extension Agronomy Specialist


UAVs can be used to scout crops as well as obtain NDVI measurements of crop health and biomass. Research on winter wheat was performed to determine whether NDVI imagery could detect wheat population, tiller counts, and nitrogen needs.


Conclusion and Evaluations 7:50-8:00

Dan Severson, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension

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