Consent of the Networked: Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom

Rebecca MacKinnon, author of Consent of the Networked: The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom, will speak in UD’s Global Agenda speaker series on April 24. MacKinnon will discuss the Internet’s global future. In her April 18 WVUD interview, she talked with us about many of the issues that she cares about deeply: Internet governance, de-centralized citizen journalists, attempts to control or censor the ‘Net, attempts to keep it free. Her main point: If individuals don’t speak up when we don’t like what’s happening to the ‘Net, then we may find the Internet a more confined place.


Listen to the interview

Rebecca MacKinnon, author of Consent of the Networked: The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom
28.3 MB

About our guest

Rebecca MacKinnon is a senior research fellow at the New America Foundation, working to establish policies that protect free speech and human interests. The fellowship allowed her to publish Consent of the Networked: The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom in 2012. MacKinnon is also the co-founder of Global Voices, an organization that aggregator credible citizen media from around the world that might not receive international attention otherwise.

Fluent in Mandarin Chinese, MacKinnon became a CNN journalist in Beijing for nine years. In 1998 she was promoted to Beijing Bureau Chief and Correspondent until 2001, when she became the Bureau Chief and Correspondent for Tokyo, until 2003. She received her bachelors from Harvard University.

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