Steiner to address UD Faculty Institute

Rob Steiner, AMNH

Prior to his visit to the 2013 University of Delaware Faculty Institute (January 22, 2013), Rob Steiner, Director, Online Teacher Education Programs at the American Museum of Natural History, chatted with us on the telephone.

Dr. Steiner talked about the role of online education at a major museum; blending physical and online experiences for university and college students, graduate students, and teachers engaged in continuing education; efforts to integrate different disciplines into an academic program; the upcoming role MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are likely to play in higher education; and what the next generation of learners will expect from a college or university.

Dr. Steiner’s comments are important in an age when universities are dealing with rapid changes in technologies, student expectations, open educational resources, and “flipping” the classroom.


Listen to the interview

Rob Steiner, American Museum of Natural History
27.4 MB

About our guest

Dr. Robert Steiner directs online teacher education programs at the American Museum of Natural History, including its signature Seminars on Science program, and currently holds two adjunct faculty appointments:

  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Queens College, City University of New York
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor; Program in Science Education; Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology; Teachers College; Columbia University.

His focus is on the design, development, implementation and evaluation of innovative, effective, and accessible online and blended programs. Through robust partnerships with higher education and other entities, the Museum’s online and blended programs have provided cutting-edge science to over 8,000 teachers over the past twelve years. Prior to his work at the Museum, Dr. Steiner led the development of the first graduate online courses at Columbia Teachers College. He has published and presented widely at both the national and international level.

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