This page has been started, but needs development and revising. Use the link at the bottom of this page to the Amoretti, page, where you will write a brief overview of that and then discuss two or three of those sonnets.
Biography of the Life of Edmund Spenser
Edmund Spenser was born around the year 1552 to a rather middle class family. His origins are not known for certain, however he is thought to be the son of John Spenser of East Smithfield. As a boy, Edmund studied at the Merchant Taylors’ school until he matriculated as a sizar to Pembroke Hall (today known as Pembroke College) in Cambridge. After taking his B.A. and M.A. Spenser left Cambridge in 1570 and went to Kent where he worked as a secretary for the Bishop of Rochester, John Young. By 1579, Spenser was working for the Earl of Leicester and living in House on the Strand. In 1580 Spenser was appointed secretary of Arthur and relocated to Ireland. In 1586 Spenser was alloted his estate near Doneraile which included the castle Kilcolman. After reading his draft of The Faerie Queen, Sir Walter Raleigh introduced Spenser to Queen Elizabeth in 1590. Spenser procured a pension from the Queen then returned to Ireland after insulting Lord Burghley with his Complaints. in After returning to Kilcolman, Spenser courted and proceeded to marry Elizabeth Boyle, for whom Amoretti is dedicated. In 1598 Kilcolman was sacked during the Nine Years War. Spenser fled to Cork. He left Cork carrying a message for the Privy Council and upon arrival passed away in Westminster in 1599.
Maley, Willy. “Biography.” The Edmund Spenser Home Page. Cambridge, 06 2012. Web. 6 Dec 2012. <>.