Karen Hoober, PhD
Associate Director, Graduate Education & Outreach
Computer & Information Sciences Department
Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
PhD, Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of Delaware, 1999
BS, Premedicine
Pennsylvania State University, 1992
Awards and Acknowledgments
Joel L. Silver Symposium Award for most outstanding original research, 1999
International Symposium on Flavins and Flavoprotein speaker in Konstanz, Germany, 1999
Elementary Bioorganic Chemistry CHEM 106
Elementary Biochemistry CHEM 214
Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory CHEM 216
- Hoober, C. Thorpe, “Flavin-Dependent Sulfhydryl Oxidase in Protein Disulfide Bond Formation,” Methods in Enzymology, 2002, 348, 30-34.
- L. Hoober, N. M. Glynn, J. Burnside, D. L. Coppock, C. Thorpe, “Homology between Egg White Sulfhydryl Oxidase and Quiescin of Q6 Defines and New Class of Flavin-linked Sulfhydryl Oxidase,”, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1999, 274, 31759-31762.
- L. Hoober, S. S Sheasley, H. F Gilbert, C. Thorpe, “Sulfhydryl Oxidase from Egg White: A Facile Catalyst for Disulfide Bond Formation in Proteins and Peptides,” The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1999, 274, 22147-22150.
- L. Hoober, C. Thorpe, “Egg White Sulfhydryl Oxidase: Kinetic Mechanism of the Catalysis of the Disulfide Bond Formation,” Biochemistry, 1999, 38, 3211-3217.
- L. Hoober, B. Joneja, H. B. White, III, C. Thorpe, “Sulfhydryl Oxidase from Chicken Egg White,”
Flavins and Flavoproteins, 1996, University of Calgary Press, 807-809. - L. Hoober, B. Joneja, H. B. White, III, and C. Thorpe, “A Sulfhydryl Oxidase from Chicken Egg White,” The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1996, 271, 30510-30516.

Delaware Biotechnology Institute
590 Avenue 1743, Suite 147
Newark, DE 19713
Phone: 302-831-6173
Email: khoober@udel.edu