Dr. Barbieri enjoys working with students across a range of specializations on a variety of research projects. For the most up-to-date info on her current student collaborators, please check out her lab’s website here: the M^3 Lab: Math Methods and Motivation.
Dr. Barbieri is currently accepting PhD advisees in either Learning Sciences or Educational Statistics and Research Methods. Please contact Dr. Barbieri directly at barbieri@udel.edu if you have additional questions about her research program. If you have interest in being Dr. Barbieri’s advisee, please note this in your application letter and explain how your interests align. Applications to both programs are due each year on December 15 for enrollment in the following year. UDSOE doctoral students receive funding for 4+ years.
Dr. Barbieri also works with University of Delaware Research Apprenticeship Work-study (UDRAW) undergraduate students. This is a University-wide program (not restricted to CEHD). To participate in research as part of work study, please refer to the UDRAW website.The University of Delaware also has two paid Summer research programs for undergraduates: Summer Scholars and Summer Fellows. Information on those programs can be found here at the Undergraduate Research Program website.
Dr. Barbieri also mentors undergraduate students from other universities who participate in UD’s Summer Opportunities for Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors (SOURCE) program. To apply, contact Dr. Barbieri about your potential interest and see the SOURCE website for application information.