by Alyssa Gorton | Nov 17, 2023 | Black Portrait Photograph Collection, Texas, Theorizing the archive, Theory & Practice
Left: Portrait of two women standing and two men seated, cabinet photograph, c. 1880-1910s, UD Library: Black Portrait Photograph CollectionRight: Portrait, possibly Fannie Williams and Ellen, c. 1880-1910s, UD Library: Black Portrait Photograph Collection The second...
by Lyric Lott | Nov 13, 2023 | Black Portrait Photograph Collection, Texas, Theorizing the archive, Uncategorized
The bright flash of a light bulb, the chafe of a stiff collar, the quiet clink of glass plates. What would the sitters of this portrait photograph have seen, felt, heard, and smelt when this photo was taken? A few weeks ago, I found myself walking down the...
by Leah Mackall | Nov 8, 2023 | Black Portrait Photograph Collection, Theorizing the archive
Photography stands at the crossroads of history and memory.[1] Throughout the semester in “Curating Hidden Collections & The Black Archive” we’ve tried to come to terms with the varied ways we can interpret and present information on people we’ve never met and...
by Ida Zago | Feb 20, 2018 | Theorizing the archive, Theory & Practice
During the second meeting of Curating Hidden Collections & the Black Archive (CHC), Jennifer MacDonald, Jaime Margalotti, and Theresa Hessey, librarians from the University of Delaware’s Special and Digital Collections, came and spoke to our class.[1] They laid...
by Simone Renee Austin | Dec 29, 2017 | Theorizing the archive
“The Baltimore Collection” has much to offer both the casual browser and scholars searching for images for their next book. The research opportunities led me to want to consider who these sitters are in the portraits. The driving question I have about...
by Kelli Coles | Dec 13, 2017 | Theorizing the archive, Theory & Practice
Before entering the fall 2017 semester’s graduate course with Professor Julie McGee, “Curating Hidden Collections & the Black Archive,” I did not know the phrase “decolonizing the archive.” When I heard the phrase, it resonated with me and spoke to one of my...