Spring 2025
- People: (Major) Congratulations to Juliana on being named a 2025 Koerner Family Foundation Fellow! Read more about Juliana’s achievement here.
- People: UD undergraduates Andres Escobedo and Prisha Chakraborty joined the group. They will be mentored by graduate students Kaan and Juliana on projects related to their research. Welcome to the group!
- People: We look forward to welcoming postdoc Benke Li, who will join the group after finishing his latest research with Dimitris Vlassopoulos in Greece.
- Papers: Patrick Danner (Empa) and Tazio Pleij (ETH Zurich) published their work with PIs Bayles, Jan Vermant and Dorina Opris on Rapid manufacturing of high-permittivity dielectric elastomer actuator fibers. Read about it here: https://doi.org/10.1002/admt.202500190
- Presentations: Juliana presented a poster at UD’s Chemical and Biomolecular Winter Research Review.
- Presentations: Juliana presented a poster at CHARM’s Materials Research Showcase.
Fall 2024
- Presentations: The 2024 Fall semester was the time for travel and (re)connecting with soft matter researchers outside of UD. PI Bayles logged over 18,000 air miles between giving undergraduate Fluid Mechanics lectures.
- Presentations: PI Bayles, Juliana, and Patrick traveled to Austin, TX for the Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology. Juliana gave a stellar first conference presentation, and Patrick excelled in his like a seasoned pro.
- Presentations: PI Bayles was invited to speak at the Frontiers in Soft Matter and Molecular Networks Symposium in San Diego, CA.
- Presentations: Immediately thereafter, she went to the 2024 AIChE meeting, which also took place in San Diego, CA. It was a treat to soak up so much science over a short period!
- Presentations: PI Bayles gave an invited keynote in the Additive and Digital Manufacturing Symposium at the Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston, MA.
- Presentations: To cap off the year PI Bayles gave a plenary at the Mid-Atlantic Soft Matter Symposium in Newark, DE. Bayles group members enjoyed networking with other soft material enthusiasts from Georgetown University, Princeton University, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Pennsylvania.
Summer 2024
We’re excited to dive deep in the lab this summer. Recent developments are below:
- People: Congratulations to Kaan and Nina for passing their PhD qualifier exams!
- People: Undergraduate students Clara Middleton and Rita Wilson completed REUs in our group through UD’s CHARM. They learned new lab and professional skills from postdoc mentor Patrick McCauley. Watch out for them in grad school in the Fall of 2025!
- People: Our growing group had fun bonding over the summer while tie-dying, savoring ice cream and lunches, and competing at UD CBE’s Field Day. Enthusiasm is infectious
- Professional Development: The Juliana, Kaan, Nina, and Minh attended a rheology workshop hosted by TA Instruments in New Castle, DE.
- Presentations: Congratulations to Juliana for giving her second-year department talk!
- Presentations: PI Bayles presented and chaired sessions at the ACS Colloids Meeting in Seattle, Washington. There, she got to meet up with fellow 2024 NSF CAREER Particulate and Multiphase Process awardees.
- Presentations: PI Bayles was invited to present at the Formulation Science and Engineering for the Common Good Workshop in Washington, DC, where she connected with many formulators from industry and national labs.
- Presentations: PI Bayles was invited to speak at TA Instruments and share the Bayles Group’s work in rheology. Academia-industry dialogues are fantastic for maximizing impact and translation.
Spring 2024
The Bayles Lab has had a busy start to 2024. People, papers, presentations, and proposals galore. Check out below for a highlight reel!
- People: Graduate students Nina Fratto (co-advised w/ Thomas Epps) and Kaan Murat joined the group. They’re already off to the races researching lignin-derived inks and microfluidic interferometry. So glad to have you on the team!
- People: Data science master’s student Yamini Pravallika Medapati worked with Juliana to devise machine learning strategies for advective assembly. The best teams are filled with diverse perspectives!
- People: Undergraduate student Tiffany Jung graduated with her Bachelors in Chemical Engineering. She completed an exciting research project with PI Bayles, Prof. Hartt, and undergraduates Kainat Azhar and Adrian Seucan that will be featured at conferences this summer.
- People: PI Bayles was delighted to receive the AIChE Delaware Valley Section Outstanding Alumni Award.
- Papers: Postdoc Patrick McCauley and PI Bayles published their first paper from the Bayles Lab in the Rising Stars in Chemical Engineering Special Issue by ACS Engineering Au! Learn about nozzle innovations that improve capacity and capabilities of multimaterial additive manufacturing here: https://doi.org/10.1021/acsengineeringau.4c00001
- Papers: Tazio Pleij (ETH Zurich) published his work with PI Bayles and Jan Vermant combining advective assembly with support bath 3D printing to make free-form architectures. Read about it here: https://doi.org/10.1002/admt.202400005
- Papers: Patrick Danner (Empa) and Tazio Pleij (ETH Zurich) published their work with PI Bayles, Jan Vermant and Dorina Opris on polysiloxane capillary suspension inks for multimaterial 3D printing of dielectric elastomer transducers. Read about it here: https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202313167
- Presentations: PI Bayles presented at the GRC on Colloidal, Macromolecular, and Polyelectrolyte Solutions in Ventura, CA.
- Presentations: Graduate student Juliana Nam and postdoc Patrick McCauley presented at the Mid-Atlantic Soft Matter Workshop at Georgetown University.
- Presentations: Graduate student Juliana Nam presented a poster at UD’s Women in Engineering Symposium and won the Audience Choice Best Poster. Congrats, Juliana!
- Presentations: PI Bayles presented at the Advanced Manufacturing Symposium at Princeton University.
- Proposals: PI Bayles was thrilled to receive the NSF CAREER award. Looking forward to intensifying 3D printing with advective assembly. The award will also support talented UD students & PI Bayles in broaden STEM literacy through the K12 outreach program, FRACTAL: Forging and Replicating Ambassador Communities to Accelerate Learning.
- Proposals: PI Bayles and UD graduate students conducted outreach at Shue Medill-Middle School as a part of FRACTAL. It included glittery lava lamp emulsions. Unsurprisingly, it was an absolute blast.