Why Join ASHE?

By joining ASHE, you will have a unique opportunity to further explore your engineering interests in a variety of ways!

As a member of ASHE @ UD, you will have access to:

  • Trips to nearby engineering projects and facilities
  • Monthly dinner meetings with the First State Section of ASHE
  • Interactions with industry professionals
  • Scholarships
  • Leadership opportunities
  • And more!

Our student section at the University of Delaware is not limited to only those studying engineering, as we are open to all majors and all grade levels.

Dues are collected regularly each semester and are $5 per student whether you are returning member or a new member to the club.

If you are interested in becoming a member of ASHE @ UD, feel free to stop by our booth at Activities Night, attend one of our regular general meetings held throughout the semester, or email Anthony Gasparini, Vice President of Recruitment (ajgaspo@udel.edu).