Upcoming Events This Fall!

We have a few great events coming up for this fall semester!

First, we’d love to have some volunteers to help with the First State section of ASHE for their annual golf outing on Wednesday, September 14th.  This outing is a great way to meet professionals and it acts as a fundraiser for their scholarship fund so any help would be appreciated!  Contact Steven Nickel (nickel@udel.edu), President, if you have any questions.

We will also be having a BBQ together with the First State section on September 23rd and we would love as many students there as possible!

This semester, we plan to have tours for the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, the construction of 301, the Traffic Management Center (TMC), and the Rinker Plant!  Contact Emily Robison (erobison@udel.edu), VP of Events, if you have any questions.