Resume Book, 2013

The Resume Book for the semester will be compiled soon and sent to professionals to look at.  It has a lot of potential to lead to internships, and even jobs!

Start emailing your resumes to Claire McGinnis as soon as possible. The deadline for your resumes is Tuesday, November 12th!  More reminders will be sent as the deadline approaches.  Please include the following information when you send your resume:

  • Your Name:
  • Major/Degree Program: 
  • Year of Graduation:
  • Hometown: 
  • Summer Location: 
  • Willing to relocate:
  • Interests: (engineering field that you are interested in: Geotechnical, structures, transportation, etc.)
  • Interested in: (full-time job, part-time job, or internship)

Please note that you MUST pay your dues in order to be included in the resume book!  So don’t forget to bring your dues ($5) to the next general meeting on Tuesday!