Fall 2011 – First Interest Meeting!

Welcome Back Everyone!

My name is Ryan Barton and I am the current President of ASHE or The American Society of Highway Engineers. We are a student chapter of engineers interested in anything and everything about the highway industry. While many of us are civil engineers all majors are welcome to join! Freshmen, are you Unsure about what type of engineering to pursue? Come out and learn about what the different options by talking to one of our more then 30 Active Members! We know its a difficult decision but the best way to make it is to get informed!

We are having our First Interest Meeting of the year Tomorrow (Tuesday) 9/13/2011. In 302 Dupont at 5:30pm! Come out and Bring a friend! Oh and did I mention FREE PIZZA! We provide Free Pizza to everyone that shows up to our meetings! We take care of our members! All you have to do is SHOW UP! We will be discussing our amazing schedule that our excellent Officers have put together for us this semester. Some of the events include Bridge inspections, BBQ’s with professional engineers, Punkin
Chunkin Trip, Monthly interactions with professionals and many more! So come out and find out whats in store this semester with ASHE!

If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or just need someone to talk to feel free to shoot me an email at rmbarton@udel.edu! I am really excited about this year and hope to see you at the meeting! Oh and if you forgot, FREE PIZZA!

If you are interested, please Email me back and we will add you to our Email List! Hope to Hear From YOU!

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