Guest Speaker Alan Brangman, General Meeting to our General Meeting on Tuesday, November 12th, ASHE will host guest speaker Alan Brangman, Vice President of Facilities, Real Estate & Auxiliary Services at 5pm in Memorial 124.

Mr. Brangman will be coming to talk to us about the current and future projects around the University.  This is a great opportunity to get the inside scoop on the decisions that go into the transportation planning aspects on campus!

Before receiving his new title this summer, Mr. Brangman served at UD as an architect and campus planner from October 2010 until March 2012, and oversaw several projects including a master plan study for STAR Campus, design and planning for two new residence halls, a new central campus dining hall, and major renovation of the Carpenter Sports Building.  Follow this link for more information.

Punkin’ Chunkin’!

ASHE @ UD is returning to Delaware’s own Punkin’ Chunkin’ on Saturday, November 2nd, 2013!

Come witness burly men and women of the Slower Lower and surrounding Mid-Atlantic region hurl hordes of cultivated squash thousands of feet across a field through a variety of apparatuses!  ASHE has had successful experiences at Punkin’ Chunkin’ in the past, so exploding pumpkins are guaranteed and a lot of fun will be had.  If you are interested in attending, please RSVP before Sunday, October 27th!

Also, there are a limited number of spots so RSVP as soon as possible.  Please make note to Kelly if you would be willing to drive!  Details are on the Events & Meetings page.  Click on the logo pictured above for more information on this year’s event!

ASHE First State Dinner Meeting

The next ASHE First State dinner meeting is on Tuesday, October 22nd at 6pm at the Embassy Suites located on South College Avenue in Newark.  The night will include:

  • Buffet dinner
  • Scholarship awards to your fellow ASHE members
  • Presentation on GRS-IBS bridge technology
  • Another chance to network with area professionals

The cost for students will be $15 (more than 50% off the cost for professionals!).

If you are attending, please RSVP by Friday at 5pm (register for one spot at $40) by clinking the image at the top of this post This will direct you to the flyer you can follow in order to RSVP.  This is a commitment to the professional section that you will attend!  Also, please reply to Matt Galenas’ e-mail if you register so that a carpool can be arranged.

Resume Book, 2013

The Resume Book for the semester will be compiled soon and sent to professionals to look at.  It has a lot of potential to lead to internships, and even jobs!

Start emailing your resumes to Claire McGinnis as soon as possible. The deadline for your resumes is Tuesday, November 12th!  More reminders will be sent as the deadline approaches.  Please include the following information when you send your resume:

  • Your Name:
  • Major/Degree Program: 
  • Year of Graduation:
  • Hometown: 
  • Summer Location: 
  • Willing to relocate:
  • Interests: (engineering field that you are interested in: Geotechnical, structures, transportation, etc.)
  • Interested in: (full-time job, part-time job, or internship)

Please note that you MUST pay your dues in order to be included in the resume book!  So don’t forget to bring your dues ($5) to the next general meeting on Tuesday!

General Meeting and Dues

Our next ASHE meeting will be on Tuesday, October 15th at 5pm in Gore 308Remember that dues of $5 for the semester will be collected at this meeting!  We will also be raffling off Starbucks gift cards to all attending members!

The topics of discussion will include:

  • Upcoming events
  • Resume book
  • Internship articles
  • First State Section October dinner meeting
  • Temple student section
  • Leadership opportunities

If you cannot make the meeting, please contact our treasurer, Calvin Esham, directly ( to make arrangements to pay your dues.  See you then!