Student Testimonials

STAT 200 Course Evaluations

Spring 2015

Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2015 Spr (2153) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (31 of 76)
How he teaches the ckass
Very passionate about stat and about seeing his students succeed.
Really loved the material and knew how to explain it well.
Very enthusiastic while teaching
Very understanding and willing to help
Engaging Knowledgeable Approachable Helpful
He would involve the students quite often.
made himself very available to help
He really wants everyone to do their best and succeed. Cares about the student as an individual.
Explained concepts well, lets were fair!
I can tell that he loves statistics and that makes the class more interesting. The powerpoints are helpful when studying and doing the homeworks.
The professor obviously loved teaching and obviously loved statistics. This made him want to help us at anytime to understand the material. He is a very good teacher.
I loved PK and his enthusiasm in class. I also loved how helpful he was
Vast knowledge and love of the subject.
Engages with students even with a large class.
conveying the information
loves this material and is very helpful
Very passionate and willing to help.
Really cares about his students understanding and learning the material and will offer any help to complete this task
He was the best professor I have had at UD thus far. He was so helpful, fair with grading, and extremely approachable
Very enthusiastic about statistics!
The instructor is very interested in statistics and wants to make sure the class is understanding everything along the way.
He engages with the class and makes it easy to learn the material.
Very knowledgeable and always willing to help students
-Very excited about statistics -Happy to teach the class -Fair grader
He is very fair overall and wants his students to learn the material presented.
He seemed very passionate about his subject, and he cared about his students grades and it made the class easier to deal with.
He wants everyone to do well, which makes you want to do well as well as he gives opportunities to make sure people can do well.

Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2015 Spr (2153)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (21 of 76)
The lectures and textbook.
the homework is very helpful
The textbook and online resources were helpful. Professor is engaging The material is applicable and useful
Online tests/quizzes were good! Enjoyed them!
The instructor is enthusiastic, and it gives a good introduction to microsoft excel
The powerpoints are helpful when studying and doing the aplia homeworks.
The strengths of this course is the professor. The love he has for statistics makes students more motivated and way more willing to learn.
The professor and his openness and willing to work with students
Gives basic knowledge of statistics.
He is passionate about the material.
Good pace for new stat students – one night a week classes offered being able to complete one chapter a week.
Great professor, passionate about Stat
Covers a lot of material and hopefully will be useful in graduate school.
The course is easy if you put the work in and attend class.
Having the tests be open resources was a good application of what the real world would be like.
-Appropriately teaches basic statistics -Homework assignments help support the lecture material
The teacher is very lenient and easy to work with.


Essay Responses for STAT200051 for 2015 Spr (2153) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (28 of 74)
Knowledge of the course and able to explain problems and to help us students
He walks you through the problems, which is very helpful.
very knowledgable in the topic, and encouraging to students.
very willing to help and explain a topic until everyone understands
involves the class in teaching
The instructor was clearly very passionate about the subject matter which made the class more interesting.
The instructor really wanted the students to understand the material and excel in the class
Explaining information Upbeat and eager to teach
caring about his students and making sure they understood the topic and how to solve each problem individually before moving on.
Very fair and eager to help students. Really nice and funny and tried his best to make a dry subject like stats fun and interesting.
He can communicate very well when delivering the course material.
Very personable and fun and understanding.
He made coming to class enjoyable in presenting the subject matter.
This instructor was very good at explaining things in class that the textbook couldn’t teach.
Dr. Krishnan knows the material well and can explain it well.
he cares about his students and enjoys teaching
Cares about his students.
Easy to approach, laid back and kept class interesting
He is very friendly.
he really cares about his students and wants them to love statistics like he loves it
He is extremely helpful and dedicated to making sure his students understand the course material. He is willing to help students on things outside of this course pertaining to professions in statistics. It is not often you meet a professor so interested in the well being of his students not only in their course but of their professional career development.
SUPER passionate about statistics.
Very friendly, cares about his students, willing to help, makes material easy to understand, wants all of his students to succeed
Very willing to help students with anything
Very enthusiastic and willing to assist.
Great at explaining and understanding his students.
He was so enthusiastic about the material, and was always willing to help us when we needed it.
He cares about his students and wants them to enjoy his class and see what the material can do for them in the future, no matter what career they pursue.
Essay Responses for STAT200051 for 2015 Spr (2153)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (20 of 74)
You will make six figures
Learning about many different concepts
gave a basic knowledge of statistics
examples taught during lecture
Very interactive in class
Being able to use resources during exams was wonderful. I feel like I got a better understanding of the material because I wasn’t forced to cram and memorize hundreds of equations. I was instead able to use the knowledge gained and apply it to various problems.
The book is very helpful for the online portion of the class.
The pace of the course is perfect for the amount of material we’re expected to learn.
It is very relevant to everyday life.
The homework is very helpful.
It provides an excellent coverage of statistics and applications of the subject matter on real life.
This course really helped me learn the foundation of Statistics. I truly have a deeper understanding of data and how it can be used.
Course follows the textbook very well and the online assignments as well.
this course is an intro stat class and completes this
Online exams.
the integration of online work and relevance to real life use of this material
Non cumulative exams, online final, online homework, extra credit project, great professor
Not too much excessive work.
He’s a great teacher and we need more professors like him at this school
The textbook was helpful


Fall 2015

Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2015 Fall (2158) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (38 of 80)
Professor Krishnan definitely cares about this students and wants them to do well in his course. He is very understanding and will go over topics that anyone is confused on.
good understanding of stat, very interested in working with his students
Professor Krishnan was so enthusiastic during class. He was always willing to answer questions, repeat himself, and encouraged classroom engagement. He would call on random students to answer questions, and helped them through it if they didnt understand how to get it. Honestly, he’s such a great guy and great teacher. He’s also willing to help students before, after, and outside of class.
He knows exactly what he is talking about and he is always willing to help.
Willingness to help students and devote extra time to improve our understanding of the subject.
PK knew what he was talking about. He was passionate about the course and he really wanted his students to succeed.
PK is extremely outward in his want to help students. Both in terms of learning statistics but in other practicalities of life. He can convey information well, and is stubborn in his idea to teach others about specific topics. When things don’t make sense to others, PK deliberately takes time to explain and show everyone how to work through a problem. I enjoy PK’s character, as he can teach with enthusiasm and captures the attention of his class.
Cares about students, really wants to help with understanding of material
wants us to do well. understands that in the real world we won’t have to memorize every formula – it’s great that he lets us do exams open notes/book/internet because that’s how it’ll be in jobs requiring the use of statistics. so overall, he’s understanding and helpful. always answers questions and helps people outside of class
explaining the material in different ways
he is smart and he loves what he does
Understands this is a basic statistical class, only teacher I ever met who understood that materials will be available in real life so why not in class, easy to work with
Answers questions and gives help promptly.
Informative, helpful, clear presentations
PK has a genuine interest in his students’ successes. He makes the course challenging but fair. The amount of extra points he makes available is above and beyond making the course that much more enjoyable. He did not take attendance all semester, but because of his enthusiasm for the material and the care he has for his students made the class a can’t-miss class. While the information was not interesting at all to me, I thoroughly enjoyed being in PK’s class.
His willingness to help his students and the passion he has for the subject.
Makes STAT seem more interesting.
He is extremely smart and happy to help
Kind and caring to students
Really cares about his students and is always available to answer questions.
The instructor is very interested in the subject and makes it worth while to go to the class.
Helpful and kind!
He is very understanding, and knowledgeable about statistics. He makes the class frilly to the modern day world we live in so a lot of it’s online which is nice, and allows us to se electronics in the class which helps me understand especially since the programs excel and jmp helped me a lot. In addition, he was always willing to stay after class to go over things with me when my understanding was lacking or I had a hw question.
Engages the class very well
The instructor was passionate about the students and their success, which is harder to come by nowadays in a bigger classroom setting. Whenever he called on a student he’d ask for their name, or he’d tell us about modern ways in which we can use statistics to be successful. His grading was fair and he was always available for help. His overall kind and caring nature is what was the most enjoyable part of the course that made me want to learn.
Professor Krishnan is very nice and very kind to all of his students, and willing to help to build the resumes and give suggestions.
SO willing to help his students. All you have to do is ask, and sometimes then you don’t even have to. Such a kind man.
Willing to help
He was very helpful and did everything he could to help you succeed in the class.
He is passionate about the subject, as well as willing to help his students.
He made the class very interesting, and easy to learn.
He’s passionate about statistics and wants to see his students succeed.
He understands what his students want/need to learn about this subject and delivers it in a way in which they can understand. He gives very fair tests and allows students to use any resource they may need in order to succeed.
Tried to make the class easy
Really knows the topic. Always available for questions and extra help.
He really engages the whole class.
Great course. Would recommend non-stat majors to take. Enjoyed that it wasn’t too time consuming compared to my science classes.
Prof. Krishnan is always willing to help you whenever you need/want help.


Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2015 Fall (2158)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (29 of 80)
This class was a good balance for my other courses since the work required for it was very little in order to understand that material and be tested on it. At the moment I am taking some heavy science courses that require most of my time. Although I didn’t forget about statistics, the professor taught the material in a way that required as little outside work as possible while still getting the information to us.
learn all basic principles of stat, homework helps teach you the concepts
The strengths of this course include the professor teaching it. I have taken other math courses and have not learned as much as i have with Professor Krishnan.
Easy to grasp the concept of
Professor provided extra time and opportunities for improvement.
Statistics teaches students about a variety of useful things. It is important to question EVERYTHING you hear or learn from a database or a person. Asking important questions about sample sizes, errors, and methods of data collecting. The course will show you how to use application software to create charts and view regression to understand the data.
easy, great professor
Exams were based off of class work and home work, so you knew exactly what needed to be studied
its a good course
Follows the strengths of the professor that I mentioned.
taught concepts that are used in other classes such as bio and psych
The strengths of this course include the preparedness and readiness for grad school. I do not wish to pursue a career involving statistics, but if I did, I know that I would be more than prepared thanks to the introduction from this course.
The material is highly applicable to my major.
It was a tough course but will definitely help in the future.
It teaches students a valuable skill.
Material given in straightforward manner
Not too difficult, not a ton of work, great teacher.
Able to get the grade you want if you do the work
The course had a great and informational textbook, which helped me with a lot of the problems for homework and tests. Also, the availability of help was another huge plus.
No a lot about statistics and how to use excel properly.
Very student friendly and still learned a lot.
The professor was by far the best part of the class. He was very helpful and always was willing to answer questions that anyone had. He also asked for feedback a lot, which was good.
There were portions of he class done online as well as in class. Also, if I was not able to attend class due to being sick, having course capture to review the lecture was a great resource.
This course is an easy introduction to STATs and a great way to learn.
Easy to pass
Clearly defined topics and requirements. Online audio of lecture also very helpful.
Prof. Krishnan is always willing to help anybody who is struggling. This course is designed to help your GPA.

Essay Responses for STAT200051 for 2015 Fall (2158) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (34 of 71)
Cares about his students, wants them all to do well and gives enough time to do so
He wants us to do well and learn.
Professor PK is very knowledgeable of the subject. He would go over material in class and provide very thorough explanations and examples.
His examples, willingness to help.
very passionate
Really cares about his students.
Is very understanding and helpful towards the students. Kept the class interesting with his humor.
Wants his students to succeed
He makes the material easy to understand by talking to us rather than at us, and encourages class participation to ensure we are understanding.
the instructor. he was very helpful and understanding. loves teaching and wants students to do well.
PK always reminded us how important STAT was to our future and was always willing to explain problems and give examples
He is extremely understanding and willing to help us with anything, even if it is something outside of the class material
His exams and grading techniques are very fair and make the class material easier to understand.
Very fair professor Great guy
He is very enthusiastic about the material and was always willing to help.
Professor Krishnan is a great instructor and clearly loves teaching. He really wants his students to understand stat and enjoy the material as much as he does. As a senior student, I wish I had taken his class earlier as I might have wanted to pursue a stat minor like Professor Krishnan encouraged, but I don’t have enough time left.
He is always wiling to help.
Passionate about statistics and helping students pass.
He is willing to help all of his students succeed.
Very helpful when explaining concepts
very open to our questions, really wants his students to understand the material rather than just memorize the information for exams.
He is very helpful whens coming to him after class. Whenever I was unfamiliar with an assignment he would be there to assist me whenever needed. He really cares about his students and wants them to succeed and do well in course.
Explanations, analogies, and making us stay awake and alert.
Very helpful
Dr. Palaniappa is very passionate about statistics, which makes his students want to learn more.
He was just an overall great teacher, very understanding and helpful.
Very knowledgeable about statistics.
There for his students and captures attention.
He is very informative and explains examples very well
He is fair and approachable. He has a passion for the course material.
Keeps my attention and provides interesting examples
Passionate about statistics


Essay Responses for STAT200051 for 2015 Fall (2158)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (29 of 71)
Online homework and online tests- work at your own pace
Important to know
STAT200 was my favorite class this semester. I came into stats very nervous but Professor PK stressed to his students that he wanted us to succeed and be able to apply statistics to whatever we are exposed to later in life. Although coming to class was not necessary, I enjoyed coming to class. Professor PK did a great job teaching the material and giving his students the opportunity to succeed in the course with their knowledge of the material.
Organization of the material.
easily applicable to real world
Helps in all aspects of life.
Many opportunities for points. Things on the weekly homeworks are always covered in class beforehand. Powerpoints were always posted online before lectures so we could follow along.
Online exams in addition to in class exams. No time limits on exams or homework.
It is very applicable to the real world and has examples of that applicability throughout the assignments.
the professor.
The concepts are ones that I will very likely be using in any future jobs I have
Sufficiently challening
Weekly homework assignments and online portions of exams.
Professor Krishnan is very enthusiastic and tries very hard to keep his lectures engaging. I was glad that this course is offered on course capture in case a lecture was missed. Homework required every week was also very helpful in keeping up with the material.
The online exams.
Going over a chapter a week helped create a balanced work flow and there was no point where I felt the workload was overwhelming.
Professor is very good
He was very helpful when it came to explaining information after the class time. His strengths were that he was always there to go over information that was confusing/unclear.
Professor, useful information.
Overall, great course, loved the instructor.
Helps to understand real world situations
It is a very straightforward approach to physics, which makes it easy for beginner students to understand.
I believe that Stat is just important for my major so this class is great
Powerpoints are clear and easy to follow.
Low-stress course that teaches basic statistics.
The material was presented in an understandable fashion. The homework assignments were very informative and helpful.
The insructors knowledge of the material.
Fair grading, covers basic statistics

Spring 2016

Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2016 Spr (2163) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (33 of 74)
Very involved and interested in the course of statistics. He tries his best to help students and really wants to make sure that everyone understands.
So personable! he really understands students and puts in so much effort to see us succeed.
PK was extremely knowledgable and wanted his student to succeed.
He cares about student success and is very reasonable when it comes to grading. He is also very flexible.
He has a passion for statistics and really wants to help his students.
He repeats things a lot.
WIllingness to help students Many opportunities to improve your grade
He was so awesome and very willing to help. I enjoyed having a professor who was more concerned with making sure that we understood the material rather than being solely focused on exams and quizzes. He was very kind and fair.
Passionate about what he teaches and does what he can to make sure students succeed.
-very fair -understandable -wants to help
He is very excited to teach the class and he wants the best for his students both inside and outside the classroom, even past the time in his class.
very clear
Extremely willing to help outside of class! Excited to learn and excited for the students to love the subject! Genuinely cares about his students well being
Krishnan is a really kind guy and great instructor. He hopes every student in his class succeed. Recommend him.
Dr. Krishnan wanted to see his students succeed. He cared about his students.
fairness in grading
Our professor was very passionate about the subject he was teaching which definitely helped us better understand the material.
-very understanding -I liked the way he gave tests in class -helpful with e-mail responses
Loves stat
Knows his material.
Dr. Krishnan was very fair in what he taught, tested, and graded. His exams were a very good representation of the material covered during class time. It was very helpful to see the problems done in class as they often related very well to the problems on the exam.
PK genuinely cares for his students and has a real passion for what he teaches.
PK is enthusiastic about statistics, wants his students to do well, and his exams were very fair based on the material taught.
Gives a bonus assignment and is willing to reset your scores and try for better results.
very flexible, helps the student to succeed, explains things in a comprehensible manner
He was very nice and accommodating when there were special circumstances
PK was very willing to help with any confusing concepts on the homework or just with the material in general. I always stayed late after class for questions which was very helpful.
He is extremely passionate about statistics, which I appreciate.
Really cared about students, was always available to help, encouraged students to learn beyond the classroom. Fair grader, tests were very easy if well prepared for.
Intelligence, passion, care for students, understanding of the real world, flexibility, incorporation of humor.
He is very passionate about what he teaches and is willing to help his students. He tries to engage and interact with the class as much as possible.
He is extremely fair and wants the student to succeed.
Prof. Krishnan is very nice.

Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2016 Spr (2163)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (26 of 74)
Good introduction into statistics.
very interactive and student centered
Lots of helpful resources Tests were fair
I now have a nice understanding of statistics and its importance.
The schedule
Good overview of STAT Instructor made information clear
This course is very fair and the professor was more concerned with making sure that we thoroughly understood the material and are able to use statistics later on in life as well as in any field we may be working in. He showed us how to apply statistics to almost every field of study and I thought that is was a great experience
Improved my stat skills.
-review sessions
The professor is very excited for the students. He wants to help them, not just in the classroom, but outside and in the real world too.
Applicable knowledge
Great professor and great book!
It defiantly covers all the basics of statistics. The online homework’s were helpful in learning the material
the in class and online examinations, so you have the ability to balance out your school in case you did poorly on one section
The strengths of the course include the professor and the straight forwardness of the material.
-in class open book tests
Very good material. Very fair course.
You feel as if you are learning in the real world.
You gain a thorough understanding of statistics and learn how to use excel which is very useful for other classes too. Overall I feel I did well and it was worthwhile.
He offers extra credit to make up for your poor in-class exam grades.
The material was easy to understand if you read the textbook and went to lecture. The exams covered everything we learned in class
Very fair grading system, easy to understand, many examples, textbook was great, professor was very helpful, loved it even though it was a three hour course. Definitely worth it.
Open everything during the in class exams.
This course covered a broad scope of topics and the homework assignments helped students have to figure things out in their own heads which was helpful.
It is fair and easy to do well



Essay Responses for STAT200051 for 2016 Spr (2163) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (31 of 73)
Very smart, funny, and understanding
very energetic, encouraging, and actually cared about all of the students and made sure that we understood each concept and if we didn’t understand, he would stay late after class until we understood the concept. He always pushed us to achieve our best and not only in the class but in general in life.
Usually assisted the class with problems and made sure everyone was following along
He’s enthusiastic about what he teaches
He’s such a sweet guy, wants his students to do well.
He makes Statistics a more enjoyable course and is lenient on grades.
very flexible
He is very fair with grading.
Funny and Positive.
He really cares that we know the information and know how to apply it.
PK your teaching method is awesome. I have never had a class taught in such an interesting and engaging manner. I was very impressed as you have actually made me understand stat. in high school have always had troubles understanding Statistics but you have helped me greatly.
Made it easy to do well.
The always had a good energy even though it was hard to keep students interested during a night class.
Enthusiastic about the material and always willing to provide help when needed.
Makes very clear explanations.
He is very understanding and clearly wants to help his students.
Very enthusiastic about material and always will to help out students
Was extremely wiling to help the students understand the concepts and would not continue until a majority understood what he was teaching
He is highly motivated and invested in the topics.
PK will make things very simple and easy to understand.
Very willing to help, personable, passionate about the subject and really cared about the students’ success. I felt that PK genuinely wanted us all to succeed and share any helpful tips he had to give us.
He is always willing to help the student and he makes that very clear. He is passionate about helping and teaching and that makes the course a lot better to work with.
Very passionate about the material and willing to help anyone.
Cares about the students and their learning more so than teaching for material on an exam and moving on.
He is always willing to help students.
He is very enthusiastic about what he does.
This instructor really wanted each student to succeed and certainly helped anyone who was willing to learn and wanted to do well. He made this very clear from the beginning of the semester.
PK cares so much about his students and wants them to succeed. He will help anyone who asks. PK is also very passionate about statistics and loves his job. He made class fun to go to and also taught us well.
His passion for the material he teaches.
He tries to be funny and engaging the students in class



Essay Responses for STAT200051 for 2016 Spr (2163)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (22 of 73)
Interesting material
the professor
The reviews before the exam day and the exams represent the material covered in class
The online homework.
The tests are open notes-open laptop.
The teacher is very fair and the course materials (book & online) were very useful.
It is relatable to all majors.
everything has been amazing hands down my favorite teacher i have had at the university of delaware in the past four years. i have learned so much and i am eager to continually learn and achieve more. i am very content with this class i am very happy that i had PK as a teacher. I had another stat teacher last semester where i did not appreciate the layout of the class or the method in which the material was taught. I am so thankful that professors like pk are at UD. PK you have taught me so much you are the best teacher i have ever had at UD. Best regards, Oliver Emsallem
It was easy to do well even if you did not fully understand the material.
Weekly homework is good to practice material. Exam review days with practice problems were helpful for the actual exam.
The professor is available for help when needed. His power points are also helpful summaries of the chapters.
Exams are like real world situations where the internet and textbook are available
A lot of resources to help you understand the material before the exams are given
It does a good overall evaluation of statistics.
It is very easy/simple.
I think that is is very applicable to real life and can be applied to other aspects of our careers as students. I liked the use of real data in word problems that allowed us to see that the data is real and not just a random set of numbers. I also enjoyed learning how to compute data analysis in Excel because I think that will be useful in the future.
The flexibility and the fact that STAT can be used in any area of study.
The professor is very dedicated and interested in helping the students.
Aplia is a good resource
The in class exams were very fair. The material was usually presented in an understanding way.
The professor is excellent about meeting with students if they show that they are willing to put in the work and show effort to do well. He will spend as much time as necessary after lecture to work with someone, this was much appreciated.
The powerpoint slides combined with the lectures and homework assignments were a great combo to learning the material.
Essay Responses for STAT200012 for 2016 Fall (2168) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (31 of 71)
The strengths are that P.K. cares about his students and is passionate about teaching statistics. He wants all of us to do well and he strives to do so.
PK is the most confident professor and he wants all of his students to succeed!
He was always engaging in class and willing to help after class or in office hours. The powerpoints are very useful also and the aplia graded scale is fair.
Dr. PK is a very approachable and caring professor. He also teaches in a way that is very clear and understandable. I think he is an outstanding member of UD’s staff.
engaging with class to make sure everyone understands the material
He was very knowledgeable of the material. He did his best to teach the material and made sure his students were on tract and not falling behind. He got the class involved by asking questions regularly. He genuinely wanted to see his students succeed.
Open note exams. Online homework directly reflects what was learned in class and helps to prepare for exams.
Very passionate and cares about his students.
i He is extremely caring and wants his students to achieve great things.
Very passionate about us understanding the material.
Wants students to achieve so he takes the time to help in any way he can, something that seems rare among other professors in the math department.
He’s super invested in his students, he really wanted us to succeed.
Cares about the students
very passionate about the subject matter and is always willing to help
His strengths were accommodating his students.
Very passionate about the subject and genuinely wants you to succeed in the course.
SOOOO helpful for me as a student, I wish other professors were like this!
-Great in class -Friendly -Very fair assignments -Fair exams -Helpful via email/after class/made himself available
Motivating students
He really wants his students to do well. He understands material is hard so he gives students opportunities to do well.
very knowledgeable, easy to understand and to approach.
I liked that he always went through examples, step-by-step, to help us understand the material.
He really wants people do do well not only in his class, but also in life, so he is always very willing to help his students.
He is an interesting man and really cares about our learning.
Always willing to help and always takes our situations into consideration.
very enthusiastic about the subject
Explains stat clearly to everyone and clearly breaks down the concepts
really helped outside of class
Passionate about statistics. Generally wants students to do well.
He is kind, understanding, and wants all of his students to do well and be interested in the material. He also tries to relate the material to real life situations and teach skills that students can use later in their lives.
The professor tries to engage the class and answers questions when asked.

Essay Responses for STAT200012 for 2016 Fall (2168)

Question ID: 178

What are the strengths of this course? 

Responses (20 of 71)

The strengths are that the exams are consistent with the key points that we learn.It will teach you how to analyze data.Aplia was great. It was very difficult but the grading scale was useful and made it so that we could try the difficult problems 3 times to get an average of the grade. Also, the exams were fair.Having open notes really allows for being able to see the material and remember it more effectively than having to memorize everythingTextbook/Aplia cover the material necessary for exams very well. Practice and homework help prepare for the exam. PK is always available to answer questions. Easy to do well in the class if you put in the effort to do the work.Good professorThe instructor.Everything is online and easy to access.It has a lot of real-world applications.The strengths were the tests given.the way that the exams are online and in class.Homework assignments keep me on top of my work so I don’t fall behind.medium work loads, but very interesting to learnHe always gives examples.I am mot a math person, but PK made it interesting.Online homeworks are good and helpful. Definitely helpful to be there to interact with the professor.nothingthe easy access to materialsExams were fairOnline tests and open book in class tests give opportunities for thorough analysis and success.

Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2016 Fall (2168) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (28 of 74)
adaptable and understanding
fair grading policies, engaging class discussions
He is clearly enthusiastic about what he teaches. He is a sweetheart and seems to really care about how his students do which makes us all like him even when we want to hate him like we hate all professors at one time or another.
Super nice, helpful, wants you to do well, wants the best for his students
Willingness to help.
He is willing to help anytime and makes sure the material is understood.
He really cares about his students succeeding. He is very willing to help in every way that he can.
fair grading, good ways to gain points, makes powerpoints accessible and clear
He is very willing to help and he wants his students to do well
Helpful, teaches in a way that is easy to understand
Always willing to help with any questions students may have.
He truly wanted our entire class to succeed and enjoy the course.
One of the best I’ve had Would recommend him to everybody Deserves a raise
He clearly cares about his students and their understanding of this material. The importance of understanding everything was emphasized and he acknowledged technology being updated and everywhere and embraced that.
He is very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the material.
Class material was really organized and well explained. Homeworks were really helpful to understand each sections.
very good at explaining
He really really wants us as students to do well and understand what he is teaching us
always willing to help, and wanted students to succeed. Knew what he was talking about at all times.
Willing to come in and do everything to help you succeed
Very good at answering questions and explaining concepts if need be.
Very enthusiastic
Truly cares about the student’s success
Wanting all his students to succeed.
Interest and passion for the subject Instructor had real- world and practical application of statistics; these personal experiences he brought to the classroom so as to enhance our understanding of the topics Extremely fair course expectations Willingness to stay after class and assist with homework problems or answer lingering questions
Very willing to work with students in whatever way they find necessary to achieve success Understands that his course is only a small part of a students course-load

Great attitude towards teaching.


Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2016 Fall (2168)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (20 of 74)
real life applications
grading policies, open book exams
The professor is very relaxed, the learning is entirely up to the student. He really tries to motivate us. I like that for this type of course lecture attendance was not necessary because with his accent the material tended to get a little more complicated and I feel that math-based courses may sometimes be easier self-taught but that is on a student-to-student basis.
The professor Aplia
The teacher is very willing to meet with students and help them
Easy to succeed
Many different assignments to assist with grades.
Very easy to succeed.
Easy to understand Great textbook Great homework website
Showed real examples how this information can be used in life outside of the class.
The online homework definitely reflects the exam material. The course capture made it easy to go back and watch the lecture if I was unable to attend.
Professor Krishnan’s teaching method was really helpful to understand all the materials thoroughly.
Teaches you about basic practices that everyone should know in statistics
He was very helpful and wanted to succeed and do good. any questions I had were answered and he made sure I understood
Good introduction to a lot of concepts.
enthusiastic teacher
The professor
Basic level course
Well- coordinated syllabus The text Use of Aplia for supplemental work Final project, which counted for extra credit The instructor 🙂


University of Delaware


Fall 2016

Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2016 Fall (2168)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (20 of 74)
real life applications
grading policies, open book exams
The professor is very relaxed, the learning is entirely up to the student. He really tries to motivate us. I like that for this type of course lecture attendance was not necessary because with his accent the material tended to get a little more complicated and I feel that math-based courses may sometimes be easier self-taught but that is on a student-to-student basis.
The professor Aplia
The teacher is very willing to meet with students and help them
Easy to succeed
Many different assignments to assist with grades.
Very easy to succeed.
Easy to understand Great textbook Great homework website
Showed real examples how this information can be used in life outside of the class.
The online homework definitely reflects the exam material. The course capture made it easy to go back and watch the lecture if I was unable to attend.
Professor Krishnan’s teaching method was really helpful to understand all the materials thoroughly.
Teaches you about basic practices that everyone should know in statistics
He was very helpful and wanted to succeed and do good. any questions I had were answered and he made sure I understood
Good introduction to a lot of concepts.
enthusiastic teacher
The professor
Basic level course

Well- coordinated syllabus The text Use of Aplia for supplemental work Final project, which counted for extra credit The instructor 🙂


Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2016 Fall (2168) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (28 of 74)
adaptable and understanding
fair grading policies, engaging class discussions
He is clearly enthusiastic about what he teaches. He is a sweetheart and seems to really care about how his students do which makes us all like him even when we want to hate him like we hate all professors at one time or another.
Super nice, helpful, wants you to do well, wants the best for his students
Willingness to help.
He is willing to help anytime and makes sure the material is understood.
He really cares about his students succeeding. He is very willing to help in every way that he can.
fair grading, good ways to gain points, makes powerpoints accessible and clear
He is very willing to help and he wants his students to do well
Helpful, teaches in a way that is easy to understand
Always willing to help with any questions students may have.
He truly wanted our entire class to succeed and enjoy the course.
One of the best I’ve had Would recommend him to everybody Deserves a raise
He clearly cares about his students and their understanding of this material. The importance of understanding everything was emphasized and he acknowledged technology being updated and everywhere and embraced that.
He is very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the material.
Class material was really organized and well explained. Homeworks were really helpful to understand each sections.
very good at explaining
He really really wants us as students to do well and understand what he is teaching us
always willing to help, and wanted students to succeed. Knew what he was talking about at all times.
Willing to come in and do everything to help you succeed
Very good at answering questions and explaining concepts if need be.
Very enthusiastic
Truly cares about the student’s success
Wanting all his students to succeed.
Interest and passion for the subject Instructor had real- world and practical application of statistics; these personal experiences he brought to the classroom so as to enhance our understanding of the topics Extremely fair course expectations Willingness to stay after class and assist with homework problems or answer lingering questions
Very willing to work with students in whatever way they find necessary to achieve success Understands that his course is only a small part of a students course-load
Great attitude towards teaching.

Spring 2017


Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2017 Spr (2173) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (28 of 75)
He wants you to succeed and leave the course knowing the most important aspects of stat. He shows you how to apply it to everyday life.
Knowledge of the material and passion for teaching
He genuinely wants everyone to succeed. I spoke to him outside of class for help too and he was willing to go the extra mile for his students. I enjoyed taking his class.
Provides good examples in class and opportunities for extra credit
Made the class doable for even people who “weren’t math people.”
Very passionate professor that wants everybody to succeed in not only his class but life in general.
very knowledgeable about the subject material
Has a lot of fun teaching Knows the material well
Very nice, wants students to exceed
Very interested in students learning the material and was available for help if needed.
He is very good at engaging the class during lecture and he makes class fun.
Cares about his students, enthusiastic
he really wanted us to learn
He was very understanding of how busy our schedules were.
Engaging Interesting Encouraging To the point
He wants everyone to succeed and learn. He is extremely accessible and helpful. The way he covers the material is fair.
very invested in the subject matter so was always willing to help
He is a very likable and friendly professor, and clearly teaches the course material. He takes interest in his students.
Understands students well, communicates well, and has a contagious positive attitude about learning the material.
Very willing to help students, fair in how the course is run.
The instructor was very knowledgeable and taught the class well.
He’s very knowledgable about the subject matter.
Easy guy, understanding!
Knows the topic well
Funny, intelligent, engaging.
Very good at explaining, good use of examples in each chapter taught, obvious that he wants students to succeed (and make a million dollars)

Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2017 Spr (2173)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (21 of 75)
Online homework
Making students learn statistics to benefit them in their future career, not just to pass the class.
in class examples
Low stress, and ample time to complete assignments.
Very passionate professor!
It was easy
The textbook. I learned more from that than the professor. It was also nice that the in class exams were open book.
the online homework really helped with the exams. the way the class was taught was very good
The materials are very useful
The reviews before the exam, and the length of the written exam.
although the online homework was very time consuming it was a good learning tool
good communication
Covers a lot of important statistical topics that will be used in other classes.
Lectures are very helpful.
I learned basic statistics which was good.
Not too much work

Easy to understand and makes you want to try harder to do well


Essay Responses for STAT200051 for 2017 Spr (2173) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (23 of 75)
Very kind and generous.
Willingness to help, approachable, cares about individuals.
The sweetest man ever. Very fair and knowledgeable, and makes statistics seem not too bad.
Always on top of his emails, always willing to help, has the best interest of all students at heart.
He tries his best to make difficult concepts easy to understand. He also uses repetition to help us remember certain ideas and concepts.
Very passionate about students and subject.
very helpful
Very willing to help students. Cares about his students and wants to learn more about them.
He cares about his students
knew material well
Understanding and flexibility if student is not able to attend class.
I thought he was very invested in my education.
He wants all of his students to do extremely well. He is willing to stay after class and go over the material as well as help students with the online homework problems. He wants to get to know each and every one of his students.
Very nice and wants students to do well
Professor Krishnan is an extremely helpful professor and caring individual who truly wants his students to succeed.
He wants you to do well and is very willing to help everyone be successful.
He is very nice and wants everyone to do well.
He understands his students’ priorities and work load and will accommodate to this accordingly.
Doesn’t just read off the slides and uses examples to help get the point across
He shows that he likes to teach and he knows what he is doing. He tries to get the class involved and tries to make sure we know the material
Good at making the class doable and clear.

Clearly presents the material and creates examinations that are fair and thought out


Essay Responses for STAT200051 for 2017 Spr (2173)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (18 of 75)
The professor.
A decent and encompassing of statistical concepts
Instructor is so nice and very knowledgeable. Tests are very fair and the homework and readings are very helpful and relevant.
Online exams and open book in class-exams.
The professor teaches the course well and likes the material he teaches.
Flexibility and teaching what is needed.
it was easy
kept interesting
materials available, relevant for everyday life
Very good coverage of basic statistics.
The professor is always willing to help the students and want the students to succeed.
learned a lot of what applies to actual life experience
This course takes a very intimidating concept and thoroughly dissects it and a very non-intimidating way. We are always encouraged to ask questions which makes the classroom a more open and understanding environment for learning the material.
Online homeworks really helped me learn the material
The work is very manageable and flexible, yet educational and challenging.
It keeps us up with the material by having homework each week
Great teacher making the class interesting and interactive

Fall 2017

Essay Responses for STAT200012 for 2017 Fall (2178) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (27 of 87)
lectures in class, problem based learning session
Very nice and open
He was very sweet man and he was very understandable when you approached him with a problem. He is also a very fair grader.
he is very willing to help everyone succeed
Professor Krishnan tried to know a lot of students on a personal level. He also was very interactive with the students in lecture which made the course more interesting.
Very interested in the subject and willing to explain something over and over until a student understands it!!! KP is awesome!
You can literally ask Dr.Krishnan anything math related and he can help you understand it so well. Hes so smart when it comes to math and is really passionate about teaching it and helping his student understand it to the fullest extent.
His knowledge on each topic is fantastic and he continuously re visits old topics to facilitate learning over time.
Application and using examples to learn was a big strength of this professor
He knows how to engage the class.
He projects well and cares about his students.
He knows the subject very good and is a great teacher. He is willing to help you out, after class if you come and talk to him. If you miss a few assignments he is more then happy to extend the times on it.
Teacher was very helpful towards students but taught the class through excel when he asked on tests for students to work through problems by hand on paper.
Fair Kind Engaging Willing to work with students
He is willing to explain concepts in different ways for the students to understand.
Realistic expectations of students, great teacher, helpful when you are confused, always available to help outside of class.
He is very kind and willing to interact with students to help them
He’s awesome. cares about his students and is very helpful
very loud and clear helpful hands on with partner problems etc
He is kind and wants students to do well
-willing to help
Very passionate about the topics, knows what he’s talking about, knows how to keep the class’s attention, very fair grader, and gives opportunities to boost your grade!
Great at helping students and explaining the concepts.
all good
Material is all organized and posted on sakai for us to review.

In-depth explanation of topics. Assignments in class to help understand the course. Was ready to explain difficult concepts one-on-one.


Essay Responses for STAT200012 for 2017 Fall (2178)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (18 of 87)
Statistics is a skill that is very applicable to not only other fields of study, but also real life situations
PK loves helping his students
I really liked Professor K’s philosophy about using the textbook and notes for exams. This forced students to understand the material but not to memorize the formulas that would only be used once in a questions and could easily have been messed up.
The in class exams are challenging but the ability to use programs like excel make them do-able.
Explanation and problem solving were both strengths of this course
Professor K is a great teacher for this course and that is a big strength in my opinion
Teacher was enthusiastic but clearly had no background in education.
The teacher was great The concepts are useful for research in other areas It covered a lot of material Practical information
it’s the only math class that makes sense.
Many resources
a lot of assignments that can help your grades
teacher is good
touched a wide variety of topics (the most basic statistical concepts) the review sessions are life savers
Great at explaining the terms and methods. Great lecture and reasonable homework.
all good
Organization and clarity of assignments as well as grading
Foundation for Grad school stat course

Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2017 Fall (2178) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (20 of 78)
He’s so super nice!
Great guy, extremely approachable and understanding.
Personable, approachable, willing to help, wants students to succeed.
He is very passionate about statistics and wanted us all to succeed in the class
very good knowledge of the material, makes class fun
The professor was very willing to help any struggling students with anything. If the class didn’t understand the homework or feel like they didn’t have enough time, he would move the date so that we would have a fair advantage to complete the homework and receive a good grade.
PK is the man. Absolute legend of UD. Seriously, awesome teacher.
KP is a very, very nice and genuine guy who is concerned with all of his students and makes an attempt to get to know everyone. He always tried his best to make class fun and yet still managed to teach all the information.
– willingness to help students
He made the contents interesting and easy to remember.
very understanding. does a lot for his students and goes out of his way to help.
Professor P’s strengths are his passion of statistics, getting to know students on a personal basis even in a large lecture, and always being available to help and answer questions.
He gives lots of homework to help when the exams come around
He is very willing to work with you if you need help. UD capture for this class is also helpful.
Extremely helpful and caring about his students. He really wants to see everybody understand stat and wants to see everybody do well in his course.
He was willing to help students whenever we needed it and gave clear instructions on what he wanted
open minded and understanding
He is always there to help you with anything you do not understand.
He was very helpful.
he loves teaching our class

Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2017 Fall (2178)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (16 of 78)
It’s a fun class to go to.
Good cours for an intro to stats type of thing. All of the basics were covered in detail.
The instructor makes things easy to understand. Homework and exams coincide well.
helpful in future
The course taught basic stat and made it easy to understand and applicable.
PK- the absolute best. Really wants his students to succeed.
Fun learning environment
– understanding basic stat methods
Basic statistics are helpful in dealing with other courses.
good for majors that involve it but more of a distraction and headache for non business majors
The strengths of the course are a great teacher and lecture, the textbook was very good and easy to read, and excel was very helpful with the material we learned as well.
It is challenging but doable.
Can apply material to real life
STAT 200 is needed in the future of most science majors so this class is important to making sure we become good academics
It is actual useful information.
a learned a lot when i did go


Spring 2018



Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2018 Spr (2183) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (31 of 98)
Taking the time to explain something to a student that needs extra help as well as truly caring about his students well being. He is also hysterical.
Offers many ways to help students do well and get help. Is very clear in what we need to know.
He knows the material and gets it very well
P.K. did a lot of in class examples and learning based problem with students.
Krishnan really wanted us to succeed within his class but also outside of the class
Very knowledgeable regarding the subject matter
Professor PK was always enthusiastic and would make conversations with students while going over material. He also has a very strong passion for statistics which made learning interesting and easy. It’s great being in class where you can see how passionate the teacher is to their subject and passion for seeing their students succeed.
The passion of the Professor.
He knows what he is talking about and wants the students to succeed, so he is engaging.
he is a great guy
Always willing to help students.
he really wants all of his students to do well and succeed
He obviously knew what he was doing but he didn’t seem to convey that very well when teaching. But then again, teaching isn’t for everybody.
He is willing to accommodate for the needs of the student.
He knows the material.
He was great at injecting humor in a normally boring topic.
Loves what he does.
review sessions, is understanding that 6-9 class is a lot so he encourages ud capture
He wants to help the students.
cares about his students even though it is a big class
wants all of his students to do well, willing to help us out.
very good at explaining and keeping class involved
very helpful when asked a question and wants the students to learn and understand material
The instructor was very dedicated to his students and was willing to put time aside to help when needed.
very nice and willing to help anytime
No funny business, gets right to the relevant information
Very good at explaining what is important to know and what is less important. Does excellent exam prep in class and has a clear desire for everyone to succeed
Great interest in the course and wants his students to do well.
KP loves his students and wants nothing more than for them to do good. It is rare to find professors like this. He is very approachable and is very efficient in teaching.

The strengths of this instructor are that he is willing to help his students in any way possible.


Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2018 Spr (2183)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (18 of 98)
The professor is caring, and the 3 hour classes generally move pretty quickly.
This course gives you an overall baseline knowledge of statistics
The length of the class time allows for sufficient explanation of the material
good instructor
Online homework and PBL are a great way to go over the material taught in class. PK is also an awesome professor who genuinely cares for his students, is always willing to help and wants his students to succeed. Wish I could have PK as a professor again.
You really understand the material because the Aplia assignments will challenge you. You also get to work with people around you to help one another out with the material.
Covers a vast amount of information.
simple class
The concepts were taught mildly well, the use of resources was nice.
In-class activities
once a week
not having to go online exams open book exams
I like how almost everything is online
i liked the use of aplia
powerpoints online to go back and view material, teacher will answer questions in class and go over problems
It requires the students to think critically and use technology.
In class review

The strengths are the in class portion because KP explains the slides well.


Essay Responses for STAT200051 for 2018 Spr (2183) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (30 of 76)
Very sweet and always prepared for lecture! His slides shows make sense and the in class problems always help tie together the lessons. His real world examples have always been a great addition because we learn how readily used statistics really is.
Does not want you to fail Is willing to help at all times
He is extremely lenient in grading and understands some students are not the best in math. He’s very approachable and easy to talk to. Extremely sweet and kind man.
he is the most caring professor i have ever had. he really wants you to succeed. he will do everything to make you succeed. that is what EVERY professor should have too.
He was clear about expectations, and was always willing to answer questions and help work through material.
He is really invested in our success.
He explains the material thoroughly and wants us to succeed.
PK was super helpful and approachable. He made the class easy to understand and always offered help.
really nice and eager to help
PK is very enthusiastic and really cares about the success of his students
Very good at simplifying thing Very understanding
He is thorough with the material he teaches and he also really focuses on the main points of what we really need to know. I also appreciate his strong feelings towards teaching and statistics, as well as his interest in his students and who they are. Lastly, I appreciated him using the drive to be a millionaire and a motivational factor.
Professor Krishnan forces on practicing. He ask student work and calculate the problem with him step buy step during the class time to make sure that students are not only get the answer, but also know how to get the answer in various method, like using equation, Excel, JMP, etc.
nice person and responsible
Helpful explanation
very understanding with grading and spending time after class to go over test mistakes
knows a lot bout math, easy exams
He is amazing. I can truly say he is one of the only professors who genuinely care about his students succeeding.
very friendly and down to earth
Keeps class fun and interesting. Makes it about the students.
He is always interesting, engaging the class in discussion, teaching us by walking us through the problems, and an overall excellent teacher.
cares about his students
He was very interactive and enthusiastic about the materials he taught in class.
Does a good job of reiterating important ideas to ensure understanding. Cares about his students and wants to see them succeed.
The instructor is very open to help whenever he can and truly wants the best for his students.
being available to help when needed and providing extra credit
He was an interesting person.
Dr. Krishnan is an amazing professor and I am so happy that I was able to have him fir STAT200. He taught the material in a way that was easy to understand and he was extremely fair when it came to grading and assignments.

The strengths of this instructor is that he wants everyone in his class to succeed and is willing to help anyone who needs help.


Essay Responses for STAT200051 for 2018 Spr (2183)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (25 of 76)
The course is easygoing and easy to follow along to.
Easy to learn.
He is very nice and truly wants his students to learn. He is a good resource.
the inclass problems
With the majority of the material being available through aplia, it was easy to work through the course material at my own pace
The professor.
PK really helps us understand what we need to know for the tests and the format in which we need to have our work written. I felt he did a really good job of mixing PBL’s with lectures that were important to the success of students.
He was a really nice and interesting guy. The extra credit was nice.
Material felt accessible even though I typically struggle in STEM areas
the topics are very applicable
The structure and the amount of assignments as well as the resources available when doing them.
The professor knows what he is teaching
Helpful techniques
comfortable environment
he is a great professor
I was never good at stat in high school and I believe that the professor makes all the difference. I felt that he explained everything in a way I could understand it and was always available to help.
Easy to understand
the teacher willing to help his students
It is a simple course that can be comprehended very easily if you have a good teacher and pay attention.
Best professor I have ever had, great person and a reasonable guy.
The in-class exams are very fair and understandable.
Homework and reading helped understanding a lot and professor did a good job making sure his students understood the material.
This course is good for a stat class.
extra credit opportunities
The course is interesting and helpful in most majors.

Fall 2018

Essay Responses for STAT200012 for 2018 Fall (2188) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (48 of 92)
his ability to help us outside of class if we didn’t understand the topics.
Dr. Krishnan is easily available outside class for help and questions.
very helpful and knowledgable, homework is straight forward and if you need help you can read the text book and figure it out. he is also there to help you during and after class if you need, very friendly and nice.
tries to make the material relateable
He is very passionate about his teaching and cares about his students
Extremely caring, encouraging, and wants students to believe in themselves and succeed.
Showed what he expected the students to know and how he graded.
PK is very good at making sure all of his students succeed, one way or the other.
He was very knowledgable and gave students every resource they needed to succeed.
Many opportunities for points
Passionate about the course material and cared about the students.
The instructor is very caring! He is also willing to answer all my questions.
understanding and flexibility
The professor was always willing to help students and did his best to explain topics in a way that everyone would understand.
He is approachable and definitely knows what he is talking about
His enthusiasm
He loves Statistics and knows how to help us understand the material.
Dr. Krishnan is passionate about his subject matter and really wants his students to succeed, not only in his class but in life.
funny, really cares about teaching, very fair grader
The instructor was good at explaining details and concepts following questions.
The instructor was a fair grader and was very enthusiastic about material.
Very willing to meet outside of class to provide assistance, very knowledgeable and passionate about the subject.
Genuine guy, really wants his students to succeed.
He was engaging and very passionate about the subject and it was clear that he actually cared about us and wanted us to succeed not only in the class, but in life.
Made class fun.
PK is very encouraging to all students and understands that not everyone is math oriented. He gave us every possible opportunity to do well in his course, and for the first time ever, I did not dread going to a math class. In fact, PK’s stats course was my favorite class this semester. Coming from someone that has always and will always hate math, this is the largest compliment I can give.
He was an amazing professor willing to help any student
He emphasized what we needed to know!
Professor K is a very enthusiastic professor who really cares about the grades of his students and how he can help them. He is always upbeat every class, and always allows for questions. His lectures are organized and aplia follows the content we learn in class. He is very friendly and allows for the needed resources during an exam.
Always wanted to help
providing examples in class really helped enhance my understanding of material
KP always encourages to do your best and have a positive outlook towards the future. He is a veyr excellent teacher and truly cares about you succeeding.
He is very helping towards the class and wants us all to learn to the best capabilities we all have and can do.
He provides a lot of practice problems for outside class. He rewards students for coming to class. He tells us which slides are the most important to write down and why.
Good notes that were organized and easy to read. He also spoke very loud and clear.
-grades fairly -offers bonus points -willing to help students outside of class
He is very passionate about the class
Dr. Krishnan is very easily accessible and is always eager to help his students
Very knowledgeable about statistics and enthusiastic about the subject. Invested in his students – wants them to succeed.
lenient with class schedule and readily available
He wants his students to succeed. He makes himself very available to help and prepares the students well for the exams.
pk is very motivational. he convinced me that I could be a millionaire. he also cares about each of us as students individually.
KP clearly cares about his students and all he wants is for people to get A’s. He explained everything very well and always pin pointed what would be of use to us especially what would be on exams.
Goes through most of the notes.
Making sure every student succeeds and attending class and putting in effort will be rewarded with appropriate credit.
Willingness to help his students.

Pk your strengths are that you care about every one doing well, and you know that not everyone cares about statistics. The opportunity for extra credit will help me a long way!!!


Essay Responses for STAT200012 for 2018 Fall (2188)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (43 of 92)
small class size.
lots of grade opportunities and lots of homework which prepares you for the exam.
covers basics of stat
PK is great teacher, you have every opportunity to do good
thoroughly explained what students needed to learn
The content is presented well, and I feel like I am able to get a good grade in the class.
This course was very helpful for future courses and projects I will encounter both in school and out of school.
Open book
The way the exams worked
Introduces basic statistics knowledge that will be helpful for future study.
The professor made class as easy to understand as possible and also I always knew what was expected of me and thought the grading was fair.
You learn real world math
The aplia homework.
fair grader
Review sessions and working in groups.
Lots of practice problems with exams closely following format of practice problems, opportunities for extra credit, having an approachable professor.
Basic statistics are important for my field of Exercise Science as I will be computing stats on my clients, but the extremely difficult concepts towards the end were very unnecessary for my line of work.
The tests were fair and I liked how you could use everything to take them. Also he was very helpful when we did PLB and in class assignments in groups and let us know what we needed to practice for the exam
PK himself was the biggest strength, he was a great professor. Tried to take statistics in the summer and had to withdraw due to the fast pace and ungodly homework expectations. I was nervous going into this semester but had no need to be because PK was so helpful. Would strongly recommend PK to anyone that needs to take statistics.
He is an amazing teacher
It was nice being able to apply statistics to real life!
The stengths of this course was the aplia homework which really helped to apply what we learned in the lectures. Also the book problems were very helpful. Professor K is very knowledgable, friendly, and engaging. I feel like I learned a lot of statistics and that the material is interesting. I also like the online portion of the exams.
Simple stuff
presentation of material and posting modules from powerpoints shown in class on canvas
This course lays out everything you need to know, unlike most courses who try to set your up for failure.
He is very excited to teach and have his students learn.
It requires us to apply statistics to real life problems.
The homework’s were hard but helped when it came to the test.
This question was already asked and answered previously. However, I can add that another strength to some students (though I did not utilize it personally) is the ability to look back at lectures through UD Capture. I also think it was extremely helpful that the exams were open book/ open note. I would not have done anywhere near as well on the exams had I not made flashcards and had not been able to reference them during exams.
It is fairly easy to comprehend the material
The lectures were always very interesting and necessary to attend to get a good grade.
The professor is very enthusiastic and willing to help
easy going professor who is willing to help
This class is designed so that if students put in effort, they will succeed. The professor does a good job preparing students for exams and for the future. In addition, he makes himself very available to help.
fun lectures, relevant material, pk is great
Course was fairly easy. The online homeworks were very helpful and the in class review sessions were helpful as well for exams.
The teacher cares about the students/
Making the material clearly available if you put in the effort to learn it
Very good course!

Open book tests


Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2018 Fall (2188) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (22 of 50)
Teaches the material very well.
He does not want anyone to fail. He helps if you have questions and makes sure you do well on the exams which is nice because he makes such a hard course a little less stressful. he is a wonderful professor and I would 100% take him again for another class.
Knowledgeable on material. Very passionate about subject and trying new things to learn for themselves.
He knows the subject very well
Ready and willing to help students.
organized on canvas
Willingness to teach and assist students, passion about subject,
PK is very passionate about his work and it shows in his teaching.
He really cares about his students and genuinely does everything in his power to help them succeed.
Takes time to always go over hw problems.
This instructor is very helpful and will stay with you after class and tutor you if needed.
always willing to help go over material
He is very nice to students. He can answer us all the questions.
Use UD Captures.
Very Smart
nice attitude
very helpful and approachable if you need help on the assignment and ask for help he will clarify or help you out the powerpoints are a great outline of the material
He explained the material very well and showed practice problems.
understanding of stats
clear, showes what he expects in his class

A kind professor


Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2018 Fall (2188)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (21 of 50)
helping us to do so well, homework to balance out, exams that are key to our grade. never thought I’d have an A in stats but this professor makes it possible. he is wonderful. The PBL is the best thing he could have done for the course. the most thorough explanation of the exam to help us succeed.
Professor is very willing to help students understand material.
Small class so its more personal
helps in understanding business
The professor
The exams make sure you understand the use of the material rather than just memorizing formulas by being an open note format.
The strengths of this course was the passion of the professor in teaching the material not just for the students to understand it to receive a good grade but to understand how they will use the material in their everyday lives.
It is in everyday life.
good presentations
the PBL classes were helpful
Interesting and useful
Nice Professor
Instructor provided enough materials to help me understand the topics.
Attendance is not necessary to do well.
teaching was easy
power points are clear problem based learning problems are helpful online exam and inclass exam
The amount of information that is given to us.
stats help in many subjects
easy to follow along, PK is willing to help you out
Open note exams



Spring 2019



Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2019 Spr (2193) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (47 of 99)
He wanted us all to succeed.
He is always willing to help with any questions whether they’re in class questions or during office hours. He truly wants us all to do our best.
The instructor simplified the material to where it was easy to understand and be tested on.
he wants the class to do well
He is extremely nice and caring for the students. he is understanding and wants you to do well.
He is available and helpful
I like how he gives open note tests and helps you in class when you don’t understand something.
PK is willing to help if you are having difficulty. I have asked for his help several times during office hours and he was always there for me. He also stays after class to assist students. He genuinely cares about everyone’s success. His lectures are enjoyable because he injects humor and fun into the class.
very understanding, easy going
Professor Krishnan was very knowledgeable about each statistical topic and I was able to understand the topics being discussed in class because of how he addressed each function/formula. He also encouraged the class to do in-class exercises on many of the formulas to ensure that we understood how to calculate the outcomes.
encouraged participation
He is good professor.
Very good at letting students know what is important
Knows and likes the material.
Enthusiastic, willing to help
Great at articulating key points to the class, very engaging.
Very invested in his students doing well.
Does an excellent job answering questions and making learning new aspects easy.
Knowledge of material Humour Enthusiasm
Very enthusiastic about what he teaches and wants everyone to do well
Helping students when they are having difficulty understanding the material.
Very willing to help outside of class
He wants his students to succeed.
the online portions of this class were helpful to my grade
willing to help individual students despite a large class and take his time out after class to help as well
Dr. Krishnan is very passionate about statistics. He can also really relate to students. He understands that Math should require that you memorize equations along with understanding how to do the math. I appreciate that. It makes his class unique and has definitely helped me to learn statistics sufficiently.
He deeply cares about the material and cares even more that we learn it. He explains things very simply and tells you exactly what you need to know. He wants to make learning stat fun and sets us up with the resources to succeed so we can focus on actually learning
He cares about his students and always helps.
really cares about students
Explaining information clearly and wanted his students to succeed in his class.
Professor Palaniappa knows what he is talking about and can easily spot your weakness. The professor is really nice and kind.
The instructor wanted everyone to succeed in both the classroom and in the future.
He’s extremely helpful, and when he takes what we need and want into consideration. He adjusts to how his students learn, and I really appreciated him taking the time to do more problems with us.
Always willing to help when needed
Looking out for his students.
He knew what he was talking about and could engage a class of people who didn’t want to be there at 6pm
Very helpful
He explains the material really well and is always there to help us when needed.
Enthusiastic and willing to help anyone who needed assistance
online, meeting once a week, lots of extra points
The instructor is a very kind person, and he gives us a lot of help.

Great Prof.


Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2019 Spr (2193)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (46 of 99)
You didn’t have to go to class to succeed.
Doing practice problems in class after going over content is beneficial in my learning process.
The course is simplified by the professor making the material easier to learn.
the in class work
The professor is nice and the in class exams are fair
Stat is so hard but you have a ton of chances to do problems you struggle with
open note tests, bonus projects
This course has helped me understand the importance of gathering accurate information to formulate data that can be used in the real world. It will be very helpful to me in the future having the knowledge to gather information in financial planning.
professor was understanding
For someone who isn’t strong in math, I really like that the notes/discussions are posted online for review and that the exams/assignments are in-class and online. In addition to the exams being partially online, they’re also open book/notes so you’re able to find related topics/formulas/examples and figure out the problem without completely giving up or guessing. The in-class assignments are also beneficial because it helps you understand the topic being discussed in class and provides the opportunity to get a few extra points added to your overall class grade.
i like that there were online homeworks and tests, and that the tests were open note
I learned a lot from this course.
the instructor
Thorough content. Not too much to learn, but many different ways to apply it.
homework and extra points for attending class can help grade
Great Professor
Great accessibility out of class, still learned but wasn’t pressured into going to every lecture.
Low-pressure, yet informative course.
In class activities and PBLs.
good teacher
Good understanding of statistics
Teaching basic statistics.
online homework and practice exams are very helpful in preparing for the exams
professor’s knowledge and he explains it very well.
The online portions really help explain
very thorough
This course allows students to understand the concepts thoroughly, especially since one chapter is covered a week
He cares and helps you understand how relevant stat is to everything
It helps with a lot of other classes and labs.
real world application
The power points as well as the homeworks.
Applications in many majors. A lot of the skills can be applied to other scientific studies or social studies.
-The instructor provided detailed presentations of the material
Mostly everything is online and that he provides practice problems in class for extra credit
very easy to find help
This helps me feel prepared for the GRE.
A good instructor who realizes the flaws in the programs used
great teacher
We learn everything we are supposed to learn for basic statistics.
fair, online exams are great!
Professor kept enthusiasm up
online, lots of extra points, kind instructor, meeting once a week
This course is the base of MISY 262 so it is kind of important.



Essay Responses for STAT200051 for 2019 Spr (2193) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (48 of 99)
Very straightforward tells us everything we need to know and how to do it.
He wants everyone to become a millionaire. He also really wants everyone to do well in his class.
Having PBLs
his intellect and fairness
Extremely lenient with exams and classwork
He knew what he was teaching.
The instructor goes above and beyond to help students understand the material or in any other academic situation
Dr. Krishnan was very approachable and willing to help all of his students. He provided many opportunities for students to get a good grade in his class. Overall, I really enjoyed his class.
reasonable. approachable. friendly. understanding.
One of my instructors major strengths is that he is very passionate about the subject material and really does try hard to make a generally uninteresting subject fun and interesting.
He is very flexible with due dates and assignments because he wants you to complete the work as best as possible
He cares so much about his students, and wants us to be successful
He really understand a college student lifestyle and fit the class for it
Great at explaining things – very good teacher.
Helpful when asked, tests are very fair
He understands that we all come from different backgrounds and is very understanding. I think he works through problems at a great pace.
He is glad to answer any statistical question even though that is not from his class.
He is able to explain difficult topics well and make them interesting with many examples.
Helpful, relateable
Very engaing and always wants the students to succeed.
Passion for the subject and willingness to help everyone.
His passion and excitement
Clear and organized powerpoints for lectures. willing to spend time to answer students’ questions and help students.
Very friendly and always willing to help.
He is really patient.
He is always available for help and really wants you to succeed.
he is very nice and understanding when you need to miss class
The teacher understood the material very well and had multiple approaches to teach us how to understand the material and when it could be applied in real life situations not just in the textbook.
Genuinely cares about his students. PK wants us all to succeed. He will gladly help any student and is very understanding.
Mr. Krishnan has a passion for Statistics and is able to teach it in a way that even non-mathematician can learn and strive in the class.
Altogether a very personal and thoughtful person, Dr. PK was both thorough and informative in his teachings. He wanted nothing but out success, and it showed.
Professor Palaniappa was very helpful and genuinely wanted students to succeed in class and life in general.
He tries very hard to get students to participate during the class on practice problems.
He knows what he is talking about and cares about the students
very flexible but also still worth the credits
he is very funny
very helpful
Keeping the class engaged, he also is flexible and cares very much about the students.
Taking the time to help students outside of class hours.
understanding nature
easy going, understanding
I liked his passion for his students and the subject and he was willing to go over any topic.
his knowledge of the information, willingness to help, encouragement of our participation, and how he wants us to be successful
Very friendly with his students and tried to make the course stress-free
helps with examples
Good with students, fair grading policies and fair exams and hw.
very welling to help

Instructor is nice


Essay Responses for STAT200051 for 2019 Spr (2193)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (43 of 99)
coming to class and learning directly from the teacher is a sure way to pass the class. Keeps class interesting too.
Open note exams really helped me understand the material more. Review before exams also helped me be successful.
the quizzes and homework
Readings extremely helpful
It taught statistics, it was basic which is what the description was. We learned a wide range of material.
The teacher
This course was easy to follow and understand, the powerpoints were easy to follow. We went over all of the problems in the powerpoints and were always told to when to write down important information.
approachable. if you need help you can get it. very detailed powerpoints.
The strengths of this course is that the instructor tries to make the class very easy so students are more apt to learn the material.
Flexibility and open book tests
I have learned about statistics in ways I never have
it was nice
– great teacher
learned a lot about excel and statistics
Aplia was great because it would explain how to solve each problem after you submitted your answer. This was extremely helpful in understanding the necessary formulas/procedures you needed to go through.
The exam is open note, and a calculator is allowed.
Practical, interesting
Very comprehensive in terms of an introduction to statistics.
An easy to follow curriculum if you work hard.
A not too challenging course.
The course explains the statistical content well, especially under different conditions. It also helps you with the following statistical skills for the biological or chemical lab.
PBLs adequately prepare for exams.
This class is really straight forward.
the lectures and help
the professor
The slides were very helpful and attending the lectures.
So much room for student improvement, better understanding, opportunities to ask questions and seek help.
Overall, this course has been thoroughly organized and well thought out.
Made exams not stressful.
the professor
It is a very interesting course and Professor Krishnan is always willing to help
teach me to use EXCEL
very practical work load
Requirements were clearly defined and the instructor was helpful.
A lot of assignments help understand the material
equal parts online and in class
professor was very understanding, wanted everyone to succeed
the variety of assignments
Teacher is very nice and lenient
fairly graded, fair exams
very useful in data management

Fall 2019


Essay Responses for STAT200012 for 2019 Fall (2198) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (39 of 117)
He is really kind and open to questions. He makes the course easier to handle, and he cares for his students
He really cared about his students.
very smart and respectful of his students really wants us to do well and understand the material
He had strengths when teaching stat and always staying after class to help us with questions. He also always offered in class work that was grade boosters.
Encourages students to come to class but still posts everything on canvas the students need to succeed.
He has a grasp of the info
He goes over everything in a clear way and I really like that everything’s on UD capture
Was a good teacher who would go through his powerpoints with all the information on it
PK cares about each one of his students. He provided every tool that we needed to succeed.
He allowed numerous resources during exams.
Instructor cares for the students
Friendly, open to help, understands students.
Serious and responsible
He cares about the material and genuinely cares about his students.
Professional and very intelligent, extremely caring
Has great presentations to explain problems thoroughly, gives provides in-class exercises to help students practice work, answers every question to his best ability
Very knowledgeable
Has interactive lectures and PBLs
He tried to makes sure everyone understand the materials
He has a great personality which makes class interesting and he is extremely helpful and wants us to do well.
He is very helpful in working with students one on one and he is very forgiving and allows students to make mistakes.
Grades were submitted in a timely manner on canvas and the professor came with a positive attitude to teach everyday thus making the learning environment better.
Detailed presentation and ability to answer questions
He was very understanding and was able to answer questions in an easy to understand way. He also was very helpful with assignments and in getting me to learn the material.
Engaging, made the class interesting, motivational
He is helpful and enthusiastic
Explaining the material well and having exercises to have his students practice the material
Very understanding and mindful of students abilities to succeed
He knows his stuff. He willing to help
Very nice
He projected his voice well
Very understandable.
we provided many resources to help his students
-Available for help -Cares for students -Fair amount of work
This instructor is very understanding. The quality I love the most is that you can tell Professor Palaniappa genuinely wants all of his students to succeed. He is very caring, helpful, and won’t give up until we understand the course material.

The instructor provides a lot of group activities for us.


Essay Responses for STAT200012 for 2019 Fall (2198)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (38 of 117)
learn a lot
great at explaining in class and group work
The homework
Challenging and teaches statistics
the lenient due date with homework
The way the tests are set up is amazing and I’m very grateful that i took this section
Everything being open notes was very helpful because there is a lot of information to remember and it would make it so much difficult to have to remember all of the formulas and other information
I enjoyed that what we learned had many real life applications.
Being easy.
Instructor was very helpful
Good topics
The professor was very passionate and cared about the wellbeing of his students.
It stays general on the topics and doesn’t delve too deep
The strength of this course is having assignments directly correlated with the corse objective. Also, using WebAssign makes having homework and exams more convenient.
Learn stat very thoroughly
Interactive lectures and PBLs
This class is every easy.
It is not too difficult and also interesting for a math class
It presents the information in a way that it can be understood.
The exams were open notes as this helped when referring to formulas that were needed to perform the mathematical problem.
Review Sessions
Great professor
Explains lots of material needed in future for grad school.
the professor is very passionate
Tests were fair and teacher was extremely willing to help
Great overview of statistics. Review of notes and stuff helps. The fact that it is open notes for tests helps me be more organized and want to learn to get and A.
I learned a lot
The challenging nature of the homework’s
Everything is direct
for someone who has always had a hard time in math, this course really helped me improve my skills
-Not too difficult
all good
My favorite thing about this course is the professor’s attitude and the way exams are given. The professor is always willing to help and thinks about how he can best set his students up for future success. The tests are open-note and that is beneficial because it helps me to apply course concepts instead of simply memorizing a formula.

This course let me learn how to make difficult calculations.


Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2019 Fall (2198) – Instructor Krishnan,Palaniappa
Question ID: 176
What are the strengths of this instructor?
Responses (36 of 111)
The knowledge of the subject, and various others.
he allowed us to act as if we were in the real world when taking exams which was a breath of fresh air
teaches the course like we are all taking statistics for the first time, which is good and helpful for students to understand.
he is willing to help, fair grader, and gives credit for showing up
Friendly and thorough with material
Had all lecture slides online
Was willing to meet outside of class
Very clear about the material that is being taught. He is open to questions and is a great teacher.
he was entertaining and he was always loud so you could hear what he was saying at all times
He is willing to make a connection with each individual student. He has a great grasp on the course material.
This course is a professional course for my future life. And my professor is really good !
Very kind and willing to help students
He really cares about the individual success of each student and tries to make sure everyone is on task during class.
He really wants to help everyone and make sure everyone knows how to do the problems.
I like the class
Cares about his students
Made sure everyone knew what they were doing
the way his tests were given was beneficial to students. the homework was also a good way to make sure I knew what was going on in the class
the professor is very helpful, and he has a PBL session before each exam
The instructor who teaches this course truly cares about each and every one of their students and wants them to succeed in his class as well as in the future. Every professor should feel that way towards their students but unfortunately not all do.
Thoughtful and helpful
Fair to students
The professor wants all of his students to succeed and he is very passionate about teaching. He gives every student the possibility for success as long as they are willing to put the work in and do what is asked of them.
Working one on one and engaging students
Such a nice, caring professor. Wants each of hi students to do well in his class. All assignments were posted at the beginning of the semester and we were able to complete them at our own pace.
Understanding that students are busy and that his course is not the only course students are taking. He also integrated the use of technology into the course which I enjoyed.
He made the material very interesting while also making sure we all understood it. He knows how to make somewhat boring material more interesting.
giving students multiple chances to understand the material and boost their grades with the PBLs
Very nice and fair, knew his material well
Funny, entertaining, informative
Fair grading and awareness that the material itself is hard to grasp. Funny guy and made course more enjoyable and doable.
Very nice and willing to help
He obviously knows the material and he knows somewhat how to teach it to the class.



Essay Responses for STAT200050 for 2019 Fall (2198)
Question ID: 178
What are the strengths of this course?
Responses (35 of 111)
I entered this course with the full intent of learning but also of challenging myself. This course has the strengths to challenge your efforts of critical thinking, and your comprehension to understanding simple scenarios in mathematical sense.
out of class exams and homework’s
uses real life examples
PK is great wants everyone to succeeed
valuable information is learned
Exams are generally fair
Homework helped me learn the material
The in-class assignments and open note tests helped as guidance to apply accurate formulas.
the pbls were helpful and added a good cushion to your grade. the open notes exams were very beneficial
It conveys the necessary skills to have a base for understanding statistical analysis.
This course is a professional course for my future life. And my professor is really good !
It goes at a fast pace
There’s a good amount of practice before each exam and the materials allowed for the exams made it more doable.
The strong professor who really worked with his students.
The pbl’s
all of it
format of exams and homework
help to collect data
a little bit difficult
I believe that the combination of online course work and in-class work was a good balance in the class
Help me to better understand the statistic
Straight forward
The strengths of this course are that the students actually learn a lot and are told exactly what is expected of them so that they have the opportunity to succeed.
The teacher
Assignments online.
Using PBL’s and in class activities to allow students to practice problems in class and help prepare for similar questions on the exams.
I really liked how we did things that we actually may need in our life rather than just busy work.
the freedom in doing homework and assignments whenever you want. It is also helpful when you can look at your notes for the exam
Being able to use notes on the exams, and not having so many assignments to work on.
PK is great
teaching textbook exercises step by step