- Existence theorems for optimal control problems involving functional differential equations, J. Optimization Theory Appl., 7 (1971), 149-169.
- Existence theorems for hereditary Lagrange and Mayer problems of optimal control, SIAM J. Control , 14 (1976), 1-18.
- On the optimal control of systems governed by nonlinear Volterra equations, J. Optimization Theory Appl., 19 (1976), 29-45.
- Existence of optimal control without convexity and a bang–bang theory for linear Volterra equations, J. Optimization Theory Appl., 19 (1976), 63-79.
- A note on approximation of optimal solutions of free problems of the calculus of variations, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo,, 28 (1979), 258-272.
- On controllability for non-linear hereditary systems: a fixed-point approach, J. Nonlinear Analysis , 4 (1980), 529-545.
- Some remarks on existence of optimal controls for Mayer problems with singular components, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 127 (1981), 13-24.
- Boundary integral equations for the Helmholtz equation: The third boundary value problem, Math. Meth. in Appl. Science, 4 (1982), 164-193. (with R. E. Kleinman).
- Generalized exterior boundary value problems and optimization for the Helmholtz equation, J. Optimization Theory Appl., 37 (1982), 469-497. (with R. E. Kleinman).
- The three dimensional inverse scattering problem for acoustic waves, J. Differential Equations, 46 (1982), 46-58. (with D. Colton and A. Kirsch).
- The controllability problem for non-linear Volterra systems, J. Optimization Theory Appl., 41 (1983), 9–35.
- Existence of solutions of multi-valued Urysohn integral equations, J. Optimization Theory Appl., 46 (1985), 129–151.
- L2-boundary integral equations for the Robin problem, Math. Methods in Appl. Science, 6 (1984), 345-352. (with R. Kreß).
- An optimal design problem for submerged bodies, Math. Methods in Appl. Science., 8 (1986), 50-76. (with G. C. Hsiao and R. E. Kleinman).
- An integral equation for the floating body problem, J. Fluid Mech., 166 (1986), 161-171. (with G. C. Hsiao and R. E. Kleinman).
- On the Lavrentiev phenomenon, Calcolo, 22 (1985), 2-29. (with L. Cesari).
- An inverse transmission problem for the Helmholtz equation, Inverse Problems, 3 (1987), 149–180 (with R.E. Kleinman and G.F. Roach).
- Polarizability tensors in low frequency inverse scattering, Radio Science, 22 (1987) 1120–1126 (with R.E. Kleinman).
- Double layer potentials on boundaries with corners and edges, Casopis Pro Pestování Matematiky, 113 (1988) 387–402, (with R. E. Kleinman and J. Král).
- A constructive method for identification of an impenetrable scatterer, Wave Motion, 11 (1989) 185–200 (with R. E. Kleinman, B. Kok and G. F. Roach).
- Far field patterns and inverse scattering for imperfectly conducting obstacles, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 106 (1989), 553–569 (with D. Colton and R. Kre&szkug).
- On the necessary conditions for optimal control of retarded systems, Appl. Math. Optimization, 22 (1990), 117–145 (with A. Kirsch).
- The resistive and conductive problems for the exterior Helmholtz equation, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 50 (1990), 1607–1622 (with R. E. Kleinman and F. Hettlich).
- A constructive method for shape optimization: a problem in hydromechanics, IMA J. Appl. Math., 47 (1991), 265–281 (with R. E. Kleinman).
- The conductive boundary condition for Maxwell’s equations, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 52 (1992), 1597-1610 (with A. Kirsch).
- Antenna control and optimization, Proc. IEEE , 79 (1991), 1559–1568 (with A. Kirsch and R. E. Kleinman).
- Multicriteria optimization problems in antenna problems, Math. Meth. in the Appl. Sciences, 15 (1992), 647–660 (with A. Kirsch).
- Shape retrieval of an obstacle immersed in shallow water from single–frequency far fields using a complete family method, accepted for publication in Inverse Problems ( with C. Rozier and D. Lesselier).
- On a numerical method for inverse acoustic scattering, accepted for publication in Inverse Problems (with X. Jiang and R. E. Kleinman).
- Uniqueness and complete families for an acoustic waveguide problem, submitted to Wave Motion (with R. E. Kleinman, C. Rozier and D. Lesselier.
- Asymptotic methods for an optimal antenna problem, submitted to J. Math. Anal. (with R. E. Kleinman and B. Vainberg).
Dr. Tom Angell
Dr. Thomas Angell