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Selected Publications

  1. Existence theorems for optimal control problems involving functional differential equations, J. Optimization Theory Appl., 7 (1971), 149-169.
  2. Existence theorems for hereditary Lagrange and Mayer problems of optimal control, SIAM J. Control , 14 (1976), 1-18.
  3. On the optimal control of systems governed by nonlinear Volterra equations, J. Optimization Theory Appl., 19 (1976), 29-45.
  4. Existence of optimal control without convexity and a bang–bang theory for linear Volterra equations, J. Optimization Theory Appl., 19 (1976), 63-79.
  5. A note on approximation of optimal solutions of free problems of the calculus of variations, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo,, 28 (1979), 258-272.
  6. On controllability for non-linear hereditary systems: a fixed-point approach, J. Nonlinear Analysis , 4 (1980), 529-545.
  7. Some remarks on existence of optimal controls for Mayer problems with singular components, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 127 (1981), 13-24.
  8. Boundary integral equations for the Helmholtz equation: The third boundary value problem, Math. Meth. in Appl. Science, 4 (1982), 164-193. (with R. E. Kleinman).
  9. Generalized exterior boundary value problems and optimization for the Helmholtz equation, J. Optimization Theory Appl., 37 (1982), 469-497. (with R. E. Kleinman).
  10. The three dimensional inverse scattering problem for acoustic waves, J. Differential Equations, 46 (1982), 46-58. (with D. Colton and A. Kirsch).
  11. The controllability problem for non-linear Volterra systems, J. Optimization Theory Appl., 41 (1983), 9–35.
  12. Existence of solutions of multi-valued Urysohn integral equations, J. Optimization Theory Appl., 46 (1985), 129–151.
  13. L2-boundary integral equations for the Robin problem, Math. Methods in Appl. Science, 6 (1984), 345-352. (with R. Kreß).
  14. An optimal design problem for submerged bodies, Math. Methods in Appl. Science., 8 (1986), 50-76. (with G. C. Hsiao and R. E. Kleinman).
  15. An integral equation for the floating body problem, J. Fluid Mech., 166 (1986), 161-171. (with G. C. Hsiao and R. E. Kleinman).
  16. On the Lavrentiev phenomenon, Calcolo, 22 (1985), 2-29. (with L. Cesari).
  17. An inverse transmission problem for the Helmholtz equation, Inverse Problems, 3 (1987), 149–180 (with R.E. Kleinman and G.F. Roach).
  18. Polarizability tensors in low frequency inverse scattering, Radio Science, 22 (1987) 1120–1126 (with R.E. Kleinman).
  19. Double layer potentials on boundaries with corners and edges, Casopis Pro Pestování Matematiky, 113 (1988) 387–402, (with R. E. Kleinman and J. Král).
  20. A constructive method for identification of an impenetrable scatterer, Wave Motion, 11 (1989) 185–200 (with R. E. Kleinman, B. Kok and G. F. Roach).
  21. Far field patterns and inverse scattering for imperfectly conducting obstacles, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 106 (1989), 553–569 (with D. Colton and R. Kre&szkug).
  22. On the necessary conditions for optimal control of retarded systems, Appl. Math. Optimization, 22 (1990), 117–145 (with A. Kirsch).
  23. The resistive and conductive problems for the exterior Helmholtz equation, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 50 (1990), 1607–1622 (with R. E. Kleinman and F. Hettlich).
  24. A constructive method for shape optimization: a problem in hydromechanics, IMA J. Appl. Math., 47 (1991), 265–281 (with R. E. Kleinman).
  25. The conductive boundary condition for Maxwell’s equations, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 52 (1992), 1597-1610 (with A. Kirsch).
  26. Antenna control and optimization, Proc. IEEE , 79 (1991), 1559–1568 (with A. Kirsch and R. E. Kleinman).
  27. Multicriteria optimization problems in antenna problems, Math. Meth. in the Appl. Sciences, 15 (1992), 647–660 (with A. Kirsch).
  28. Shape retrieval of an obstacle immersed in shallow water from single–frequency far fields using a complete family method, accepted for publication in Inverse Problems ( with C. Rozier and D. Lesselier).
  29. On a numerical method for inverse acoustic scattering, accepted for publication in Inverse Problems (with X. Jiang and R. E. Kleinman).
  30. Uniqueness and complete families for an acoustic waveguide problem, submitted to Wave Motion (with R. E. Kleinman, C. Rozier and D. Lesselier.
  31. Asymptotic methods for an optimal antenna problem, submitted to J. Math. Anal. (with R. E. Kleinman and B. Vainberg).
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